Project Overview

The SHOOT project originated from the idea of transforming digital photography into an immersive storytelling. It is proposed as a means to engage learning experiences: Immersive learning can help students to retain information better and foster a deeper understanding of the material, make education more accessible to students who may have difficulty learning through traditional methods, such as those with learning disabilities or simply drifted away from the traditional education system.

What challenges are you going to address?

Today’s is, without a doubt, a society characterised by a massive, even disproportionate, use of the image. We can define a society as visual. Images are used a lot by young people both to affirm their existence, in selfies, but also to communicate stories and feelings - Facebook, and Instagram, Very often images are used in a distorted way. Our project aims to rethink the use of photography and make it instrumental in learning, while at the same time raising awareness of digital literacy and making diversity an opportunity. The great success of images is due not only to sociological factors, but also to the extreme ease of making and obtaining them. The days of cameras that required precise adjustment of the aperture and equally precise selection of the exposure time are long gone.

Today, with smartphones and iPads, it is virtually impossible to get a photo wrong, apart from the framing. The need for printing and reproduction is also outdated, as the digital format allows, quickly and easily, the potential that was unthinkable until recently. The digital photo, in fact, can be enjoyed on any screen and can be manipulated and edited as one wishes thanks to increasingly sophisticated applications, most of which are distributed free of charge. The partnership then asked why not exploit this enormous potential for educational purposes.


Our aim is not photography in didactics, but didactics of photography, i.e. photography as a tool to create further knowledge and above all knowledge that is accessible to everyone. Digital

photography can be a great resource in the study and learning of other disciplines, not only art. The digital camera on smartphones is a tool that is very close to children and, from an educational point of view, elevates them to the status of active learners, which gives them even greater motivation and reinforcement. The use of the digital camera goes far beyond the purely aesthetic and technological, allowing teaching to go beyond the confines of the school and setting new accents on how to conceive of an outdoor environment. Taking a photo is an activity that requires the choice of subject, choice of frame and choice of angle, so it forces, to a certain extent, prior reflection in order to be aware of one’s actions. If, after taking the photos, the pupils are discussed and made to reflect among themselves in class about their choice of subjects, framing and angles, social and relational skills are also promoted, skills that occupy an important place in the school or non-school life of every individual. Finally, if the photos taken by the students became material for an immersive exhibition/lesson, then the educational and ludic aspects would merge together to create a more immersive experience for all. An all-around multisensory experience of sounds, colours and images that can be enjoyed by all students, even those with disabilities or special educational needs. A path that finally puts the student/spectator at the centre, no longer the object, or the topic in the most material sense.

Target groups:

The primary target group are high school students aged 15-19 and their teachers. The competences of this group will be raised through the development and implementation of appropriate results.

The secondary target group are students from VET courses who may benefit from their peer-tutoring reconsidering the possibility of a school reconnection.








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