Context The new “adult” generations face difficulties in shaping their future, especially in pursuing personal and financial independence and exploring new professional directions. Indeed, the absence of “simple” key competencies for lifelong learning and innovative and entrepreneurial thoughts and attitudes based on empowerment and awareness-oriented financial education is the motto for the emergence and/or perpetuity

Voices of the Next Generation: Future Decision-Makers on European Values and Citizenship

We are very pleased to announce the launch of the KA3 European Youth Together Erasmus+ project “Voices of the Next Generation: Future Decision-Makers on European Values and Citizenship”. The project has been co-funded by European Union. “Voices of the Next Generation: Future Decision-Makers on European Values and Citizenship” is a youth-led project which aims to

“Count on Me” Training Course

Koolitus / Training Course Name of the project: Count on Me Type of the project: Training Course Place: Vanaõue Puhkekeskus, Viljandi Activity dates: 4- 12 May 2023 Number of participants: 28 youth workers, trainers and leaders. Countries involved: Estonia, Portugal, Poland, Finland, Greece, Spain, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Romania, Italy, Sweden, Malta.    

“BioHacking: Step 1” Youth Exchange

Noortevahetus / Youth Exchange Name of the project: «BioHacking: Step 1” Type of the project: Youth Exchange Place: Paikuse (Pärnu). Activity dates: 22-30 April 2023 Number of participants: 31 young people Countries involved: Estonia, Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Italy. Everyone has heard about hacking video games, smartphones or computers, but what about hacking your own

“Q-LAB!” Seminar

Koolitus / Training Course Name of the project: Q-LAB! Type of the project: Seminar Place: Vanaõue Puhkekeskus, Viljandi Activity dates: 12-20 April 2023 Number of participants: 28 managers and decision-makers Countries involved: Estonia, Italy, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Türkiye, Denmark, Finland, Portugal, Germany, Romania, Croatia, Spain, Slovakia. Q-Lab is an international in-depth training and partnership-building

GREENday – Youth Entrepreneurship, Environmental Startups (YEES)

Name of the project: GREENday - Youth Entrepreneurship, Environmental Startups (YEES) Type of the project: KA2 - Strategic Partnership in the Field of Youth Activity dates: 01/12/2020 till 31/01/2023 Number of participants for the Long-Term Training Course: 20 young entrepreneurs Countries involved: Estonia, Italy, Greece, Denmark, Hungary At the end of 2020, we started a


SHOWCASING THE UNHEARD See väljaanne on osa YEE projektidest "Noorte digitaalne kommunikatsioon [communicACTION]" ja "Euroopa noorte kliimaliikumise tugevdamine: ennekuulmatu tutvustamine ja toetamine" Projekti ja antud trükist on rahastanud Euroopa Liidu programm Erasmus+ ja Euroopa Noortefond. Euroopa Noortefond (ingl k. European Youth Foundation- EYF) on Euroopa Nõukogu fond, mis pakub rahalist ja hariduslikku toetust Euroopa noorte