Name: Manon Legardinier
Age: 22 years old
Country/city of origin: France
Activity Dates: October 2024 / October 2025
Total Months of Volunteering: 12 months
Hosting city in Estonia: Tallinn
Hosting organisation: Academy of Childhood
Main activities:
The day starts at 9:30 in the kindergarten, when we all danse together with some videos during 30 minutes to have a good day.
After that, the bigger ones (group of 5) go with their dedicated adult to do activities.
I stay with the little ones. They install themselves their chairs in the living-room of the house. During less than a hour my colleague presents them some games and things to do to develop their dexterity. I am physically helping the kids when they don’t understand or aren’t able of doing the task.
After this is the fruits time, we sit down together to eat fruits. Shortly after kids are going out, so I help them to get dressed. This is a long task because we are trying to get them know how to dress by themselves.
They stay outside for a hour, playing in the garden. The main task is to stay and look at the kids, making sure everything is ok.
Then is the luch time, and a break before the nap. During this time I watch over the kids or play with them when then want.
After their nap they have something to eat and they play in the playground inside. Parents are coming from 16h to 17h30.