Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting calls for participants for European Solidarity Corps (ESC) long-term volunteering project which means supporting local organizations with different activities in Bellreguard, Valencia (Spain).
About the organization:
XERACION VALENCIA is a non-profit youth cultural association created in Gandia (Valencia, Spain) in 2014 by an enthusiastic group of people who decided to leave their regular jobs and try to enjoy their day by day while doing something enriching and meaningful for their local communities.
To encourage and facilitate the international mobility of youth:
a) To expand social cooperation projects and volunteering (local and international).
b) To empower youth in order for them to have their own critical thinking and analysis, an active citizenship and participatory democracy.
c) To enhance values of tolerance, human dignity, interculturality, solidarity and cooperation, social justice and integration.
d) To promote healthy lifestyles and the protection of the environment through a sustainable development.
About the project:
We believe that youth are a very important group in society beyond demographics, and that is why emphasis must be placed on those social and cultural characteristics that defined them as a group. The degree of civilization of a society is measured, among other factors, by the attention and protection that it provides to its children, adolescents and youth. Therefore we are convinced of the importance of intervention in children and youth. Youth policies are framed by a commandment of the Constitution, second which, in article 48 says “the public powers shall promote the conditions for the free and effective participation of youth in political,
economic and cultural development”.
At the beginning of 2004 a group of technicians and youth workers decided to create synergies and join forces to reach the youth audience of its populations with attractive projects; It is then that they create what they call “Calaix Jove de la Safor”.
This project is sponsored by the “Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Safor” a few years later as a specific action, that is, a service linked to the towns that request it. La Llar Juvenil de Bellreguard through the Bellreguard City Council, has been collaborating with it since then in carrying out activities organized for and by young people.
Project Objectives:
There will be a very wide range of possible activities available for the volunteers, they will be able to help and give support in tasks such as:
– Regional support in the youth spaces of the Safor region with technicians especially giving ideas and helping develop youth activities programming for Bellreguard.
– Support in the communication area of the Youth Service: web and social networks. Writing posts, reels, videos, photographs and anything else they consider “fashionable” at all times, since they are young people and the public to whom it is addressed are also people of approximately his age.
– Preparation of graphic and audio-visual material of interest to youth (videos, photography, posters, time-lapses, blogs …)
– Training in the “Terra Liders” program to actively participate in Earth Leaders ecological volunteering.
– Support in the English conversation group of the Su-FORMA.
– Support in the youth participation projects “Creando Futuro” and the “Corresponsals Juvenils de la Safor” Network.
– Reinforcement of the activities carried out in the educational leisure region through the “Barrejat d’Oci” programs and “Nits Bordes” which are leisure alternatives at night to avoid drug and alcohol abuse.
– Support in the activities around the creation of a participatory diagnosis of the Youth of La Safor through Interviews with young people and Young Forum.
– Dissemination of the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus + Youth volunteer program in the centers of Bellreguard secondary school and surroundings.
– Support in the drafting and execution of European programs such as youth exchanges of the Erasmus + program Youth, as well as empowering local youth to create their own projects.
– Proposals for awareness campaigns related to any topic that they consider to be of interest to the youth of the region.
– 10% -20% of the total time of your volunteering, in social groups in the region, such as Ca Saforaui, Red Cross or any other social center or association of their choice.
As already mentioned, this project is located in a small village called “Bellreguard”. However, volunteers will be living in Gandia town and every day they will have to go by bicycle to Bellreguard and back. This is a distance of approx. 4,5 Kilometres and around 15 minutes ride. Here you can check the route:
Please take this into consideration before applying!
Participant profile:
18-30 years old;
Аt least an intermediate level of Spanish language (B1/B2) is required for this project.
All the volunteers are provided with insurance, accommodation, pocket and food money. Travel expenses: according to the calculated distance.
How to apply for the project:
To apply for the project, candidates have to send their CV & MOTIVATION LETTER to
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