Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for participants for a Youth Exchange called NON-FORMAL YOU(TH) which will take place from the 2nd until the 9th of September 2024 in Gerês, Portugal.
About the project:
The disconnection with formal educational methods encourages behaviours that break with other learning methods, as young people integrate preconceived ideas of disinterest in education. Furthermore, they are unmotivated with learning and have fewer expectations for their future. In effect, they become less participative, with limited views of the world and a low critical sense regarding their value and potential in the social environment. The need to develop non-formal and alternative skills, which contribute to greater social participation among youth, is evident in reports and guidelines from international organisations, such as: – UNICEF (2021) – “Young people are also unable to access relevant skills training and employers lack a standard way to verify the skills new employees claim to have”; – EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 – “Europe must reduce the current skills mismatch in Europe and ensure that the young are able to transition from education to employment”.
Considering that the same strategy points to the promotion of “links between formal education and non-formal learning” and the development of “youth work and other non-formal learning opportunities”, we intend to develop a project that connects non-formal education (NFE) with formal education, as a quality methodology for learning and developing essential competencies.
Project objectives:
– General: promote the social inclusion of young people through participation in non-formal activities;
– Specific: (a) promote the development of essential competencies among young people, through participation in non-formal activities, adjusted to their needs; (b) promote the recognition of non-formal methods in the educational process; (c) promote the involvement of youth in the social environment through attractive and inclusive non-formal participation opportunities; (d) foster the recognition of European social values; and (e) promote the connection of young people with their European peers to identify and overcome challenges.
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 456 EUR. There are 7 vacancies available (6 participants + 1 leader). There will be a participation fee of 40 EUR per participant. Participants age should be from 17 to 30 years old. Countries involved: Estonia, Portugal, Lithuania, Greece, Spain.
All interested people should fill out the application form below.
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