Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting calls for participants for European Solidarity Corps (ESC) long-term volunteering project which means working with kids in Molfetta, Italy.
DATES: Flexible from June/September – up to 12 months.
About the project:
There are 5 vacancies available:
1. Istituto Comprensivo “Battisti-Pascoli”
Scuola elementare/media “Battisti-Pascoli” Istituto Comprensivo “Battisti-Pascoli” is a kindergarten (3-6 year-old), primary (6-11 year-old) and secondary school (11-14 year-old pupils), promoting pupils’ wellbeing and inclusion (many of them are of different nationalities), intercultural education, development of digital skills and language learning, prevention of early school leaving, bullying and cyber bullying ,collaboration with families and the local community; laboratory teaching. The purpose of primary education is to enable pupils to acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills to develop basic cultural competence. Working hours of a volunteer are from 8.00 to 13.00, and after a lunch break from 15.00 to 18.00, five days a week.
2. Scuola media “Manzoni-Poli”
Istituto Comprensivo “Manzoni-Poli” is made up of seven schools (five Nursery schools, two Primary schools and one Low Secondary school or Middle School, as it is called in Italy) located in different areas of the town. Its users come from different social backgrounds and have also got different educational needs. Nursery school pupils are from age 3 to 5, pupils from Primary school are from age 6 to 11 and Secondary school students are from 11 to 14.
The school aims at:
– raising the levels of education and skills of students
– contrasting social and cultural inequalities
– preventing early school leaving
– realizing an open school as a permanent research and experimental laboratory of didactic innovation and education to active citizenship
-guaranteeing the right to study and to equal opportunities for successful education
-teaching the respect for the environment and cultural heritage.
3. Scuola elementare/media “San Giovanni Bosco”
Istituto Comprensivo “S. G. Bosco” is a pre-primary, primary and secondary school, promoting students’ wellbeing and inclusion; development of innovation in teaching methods; training of all the school’s personnel; curricular planning; collaboration with families and the local community; governance of the school. The purpose of primary education is to enable pupils to acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills to develop basic cultural competence.
The weekly timetable is organized as follows:
• for pre-primary school: five days from 8.00 am to 16.00 pm;
• for primary school: classes which have 27 hours organized in five days from 8.00 am to 01.30 p.m. and classes which have 40 hours, organized in five days from 8.00 am to 16.00 pm.
• for classes in the secondary cycle: five days from 8.00 am to 14.00 and one afternoon at school with expressive laboratory of Literature.
4. Comune di Molfetta
The Municipality is dived in different sectors in charge of several tasks:
– Sector “General Affairs and Innovation, Attorney’s Office and Municipal Police Office”, that mainly deal with Human Resources, Citizens Services, Cultural Policies and Tourism, Municipal Police and Civil Protection;
– Sector “Economic-Finance programme and finance” dealing with budgeting, general accounting, audit, local taxation and heritage;
– Sector “Territory” in charge of urban planning, public building, demanium, green environment planning, healthy cities, manufacturing activities, trade, fishing and agriculture;
– Sector “Public Work” in charge of execution of public works and Infrastructures, markets, urban design, public space and Areas, Contracts, Maintenance of Public School Buildings, Sports Facilities, Networks and Infrastructures, Roads and green.
– Sector “Welfare” in charge of housing policies, immigration services, Sports, Social Educational Area (Minors, Schools, and Meal Service) Health Care Area, Senior Citizens and Disabled People and Social Security Area.
5. Cooperativa Sociale Qualcosa di Diverso
XFARM Agricoltura prossima is a project by Cooperativa Sociale Qualcosa di Diverso, born after the experience of Laboratorio Urbano ExFadda in San Vito dei Normanni: a social, ecological and multicultural farm created from the recovery of lands confiscated from the mafia in Apulia.
We are a group of young people under 35 committed to transforming 50 hectares of lands, once a symbol of illegality and unsustainable agriculture, into a “Manifesto Farm” of good social, ecological, and cultural practices.
We’ve been creating an original rural hub capable of contributing to the local development of the Alto Salento area, through the creation of jobs, wellbeing for the community and ecosystem improvement.
We believe in the territory of Puglia and in its resources, too often unexpressed and squandered. We look at XFARM and its lands as a common good, a big public park opened to the community of the territory.
We want to put into action a new vision of social and regenerative agriculture, alternative to the intensive and unsustainable models. We promote the regeneration of soil and the recovery of biodiversity, we foster circular economy practices, job integration of fragile workers and the production of good quality and healthy food, we organize social and cultural events for the local community, we support the scientific research and agricultural projects of young people of our territory.
Participant profile:
18-30 years old
All the volunteers are provided with insurance, accommodation, pocket and food money. Travel expenses: according to the calculated distance.
How to apply for the project:
To apply for the project, candidates have to send their CV & MOTIVATION LETTER to
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