nyh koolitus training course italy

Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for participants for a Training Course called “EmpowerED: Youth citizenship educators for inclusive democracy” which will take place from the 15th until the 22nd of July 2024 in Recoaro Terme (Vicenza), Italy.

About the Project:

The overall aim of the training course is to train, equip with competences and empower youth workers and young leaders to work on citizenship education, especially in the context of active citizenship and European citizenship. To create a new generation of youth citizenship educators who will be able to encourage active participation and inclusion of young people, especially those with fewer opportunities in socio-political democratic life on local, national and European level in order to strengthen young people’s voice, inclusion in society and role in Europe by using different tools for empowerment.

Learning objectives of the training course are:

– To raise awareness and provide knowledge about citizenship in general and European citizenship in particular by exploring the concepts, their dimensions, elements, contemporary meanings, understandings and ways they are used;

– To equip youth workers and young leaders with the right competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes), tools and practices to develop and run local and international activities that will educate, train, motivate and enable young people to take active participation and be included in the political, economic and social life in their communities, countries or beyond,

– To foster the incorporation of European dimension in youth projects through promotion of European awareness, common European identity and European values;

– To explore and analyse current situations and different models in 10 European countries regarding participation and inclusion of young people, especially those with fewer opportunities in democratic life and share experiences and good practices of supporting youth active participation in European Union;

– To design, practice and evaluate tools which aim at enhancing young people’s feeling of ownership and belonging to Europe, inspire active youth participation and inclusion and discuss what role young people can play in Europe (including active participation in European organisations);

– To provide knowledge and introduce non-formal learning methods for understanding the work and role of EU institutions and decision-making processes within the Union (both theoretically and practically);

– To foster mutual understanding, solidarity, intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue between youth workers and young people coming from different cultural backgrounds, and to provide them the opportunity to develop multiplying initiatives to be implemented in their respective countries;

– To foster sustainable international cooperation, capacity and partnership building in the youth field working with citizenship education, European citizenship, social inclusion and active youth participation;

– To promote Erasmus+ Programme as a tool and platform that provides opportunities to youth organisations and young people to take active participation in democratic life and Youthpass as а recognition tool for non-formal and informal learning in youth work.

The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 275 EUR. There are 2 vacancies available. There will be a participation fee of 40 EUR per participant. Participants age should be 18 years old and no age limit.

All interested people should fill out the application form below.


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