Name of the project: “TRON – The Rise Of The New digital citizens” Youth Exchange
Date: 3rd – 12th June 2023
City/Country: Bosco Chiesanuova, Italy
What was the main topic of the event?
Silja Inalhan – Raising digital awareness.
Erik Teppan – Digital awareness, how to avoid digital threats, scams, bullying etc.
Kristofer Andres – Social media, staying safe online and everything related to it.
Andrii Diedov – This youth exchange aims to encourage participants’ awareness about digital tools in democratic life through the conscious use of today’s digital tools, such as social media.
What were the biggest learning moments of the event for you?
Silja Inalhan – I learned about how to be more safe on internet, how to not share everything and how much data is collected from everything we do on internet. Therefore now I definitely think more when I use internet.
Erik Teppan – The biggest learning was actually from socializing with people and learning their experiences and problems they had.
Kristofer Andres – I learned about how other think about internet and social media.
Andrii Diedov – Activities and communication with participants.
Do you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, in which way?
Silja Inalhan – I definitely want to continue taking part of the projects in the future cause they really shape everyone who come there in a very positive way.
Erik Teppan – I was already learning about that field and activity because I am learning to be an IT specialist.
Kristofer Andres – Yes if i can get a chance.
Andrii Diedov – I would like to continue my activities by taking part in similar projects in the future, helping people to develop while developing myself. To give people knowledge, to get knowledge from these people, to improve English and to learn about European cultures.
Would you recommend this experience to your friends? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Silja Inalhan – Yes, I was glad to take part of a project NÜH was a partner of, it was organised well, I learned a lot, I was given a chance to be responsible of some tasks and I feel that it made me more confident.
Erik Teppan – Yes, I would recommend it because, its always good to be informed and updated with digital threats and problems.
Kristofer Andres – Yes, because this project helped me consolidate my knowledge from internet and also helped my confidence in English. This project was a good way to learn about other people perspectives.
Andrii Diedov – Yes, I would recommend it, because of new experience, upgrading English, getting new knowledge about the project topic and getting more confident.
Other comments or anything else you would like to share? You can answer in your mother tongue if you want!
Silja Inalhan – Join projects!
Erik Teppan – Minu meelest oli see projekt hea viis kuidas sotsialiseeruda teiste inimestega ja jagada oma mõtteid ja oskusi, see aitas kindlasti ka minu inglise keelega kaasa. Üldiselt oli see projekt mulle kasuks ja soovitan ka teistel sellest projektsi osa võtta.
Andrii Diedov – I would like to say that I really hope that in future in these types of projects will be more free time 🙂