nyh esc solidarity corps italy escNoored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting calls for participants for European Solidarity Corps (ESC) long-term project which means various tasks regarding volunteering, educational and promotional activities in Molfetta, Italy.

Associazione InCo – Molfetta: https://www.incoweb.org/eng
InCo is a non-profit organization dedicated to improve the International Voluntary Service, to increase and deepen the level of contact among different cultures, stimulating intercultural sensibility and preventing and combating racism, prejudices and social exclusion. In order to achieve InCo’s goals, we provide different international programs among which youth mobility projects have a very important role.InCo is accredited as both lead and sending organization for volunteers of the European Solidarity Corps.
Place: Molfetta (Italy)

The project will take place in Molfetta, a city in Apulia, on the Adriatic coast at about 25 km from Bari. Molfetta has around 60.000 inhabitants. In the last years Molfetta’s commercial activities and attractions have been improved, thanks to the recent construction of a huge shopping area, equipped with stores, national chains, outlets, luna park, hard discount, cinemas and so on. At the same time in the historical centre many restaurants, clubs, bars and youth meeting point are crowed during the week-end especially at the evening.

The climate is generally quite and poor of rain, although the temperature changes are fast and short, due to the wind from the Balkan area. In spite of the fact that our area has good road, railways, air and maritime facilities, and that it has strategic links with the East-Mediterranean and Balkan countries, it is quite distant from the so-called heart of Europe.

During the national/local holidays important roles play in the city traditions and religious happening such as Easter processions and rituals, the traditional Feast in September, the event of live nativity scene in Christmass time.

The start day: ASAP

The Municipality is dived in different sectors in charge of several tasks:

– Sector “General Affairs and Innovation, Attorney’s Office and Municipal Police Office”, that mainly deal with Human Resources, Citizens Services, Cultural Policies and Tourism, Municipal Police and Civil Protection;

– Sector “Economic-Finance programme and finance” dealing with budgeting, general accounting, audit, local taxation and heritage;

– Sector “Territory” in charge of urban planning, public building, demanium, green environment planning, healthy cities, manufacturing activities, trade, fishing and agriculture;

– Sector “Public Work” in charge of execution of public works and Infrastructures, markets, urban design, public Space and Areas, Contracts, Maintenance of Public School Buildings, Sports Facilities, Networks and Infrastructures, Roads and green.

– Sector “Welfare” in charge of housing policies, immigration services, Sports, Social Educational Area (Minors, Schools, and Meal Service) Health Care Area, Senior Citizens and Disabled People and Social Security Area.

Main activities: 

The volunteers will be involved in activities taking part in the environment and Europe department, schools, within the kindergarten, social media. The volunteers will work generally 36 hours/week from 9 to 14 and on tuesday and thursday also from 15 to 18. Changing of schedules and exception are foreseen in case of special events.
The work will be distributed over the week on several offices:
– support of users in compiling curriculum vitae and for job search abroad;
– manual work in the local garden for the cultivation of vegetables. It is a social initiative gathering different organizations;
– support for project activities with schools, organization of environmental events and the activities of the Forum Agenda XXI and the “Healthy Cities” OMS project;
– Clean up of the coast together with local organizations;
– work at the local kindergarten;
– Assisting and support the Europa office regarding other European projects;
– participation and organization of social and leisure activities, supporting other organizations, immigrants, refugees and protection of the local heritage etc…
Food and accommodation:

The volunteers will live in a fully equiped flat together with 10 volunteers, in the city of Molfetta (double room).

The lodging choice will be always decided by InCo. For both lodging options, volunteers will have to respect the rules of the structure and the environment where they live. There are possibilities for the volunteers to have their meals at home, which is fully furnished with kitchen. So in this case an additional amount of money will be provided corresponding to 150 euros.

For more information you can check the infopack here.

  • Scuola ITET “G. Salvemini” – FOR 10 MONTHS

The start day: 1st September 2023

The School ITET “G. Salvemini” is a technical and technological upper secondary school attended by about 500 students. It has evening courses for adults and has been offering various extracurricular activities both to our students and to the public. It offers the following courses: Business Information Technological Systems, Administration, Finance and Marketing, Tourism and finally Building Crafts, Environment and Territory.The didactic plan aims at matching the need of giving technical and technological skills with the need of helping students to become good citizens, in other words to help students to become not only good technicians but also good (wo)men, who are aware of social problems and who have aproper civic consciousness. Projects (such as volunteering on a European scale, the use of alternative energies, waste recycling, journalism, sailing, scuba-diving, theatre, popular dances, creative music, home design and clothes creative graphics) always have been a part of the extracurricular offer. Since we share the Headmaster witha nother institute (Mons. Bello Professional Institute), it is possible that volunteers will be employed there for a few hours. It is a school with numerous professional subjects such as Commercial Services, Health and Social Security Services, Cultural Services, artistic and graphic. Mons. Bello Professional Institute is attended by almost 650 students.

Main activities:

As a volunteer, you will have the chance to support the teachers and staff, enriching the daily activities of the students. You can:

  • take part of organization and promotion extracurricular activities: language workshops, sport and cultural activities, leisure and free time events, laboratory, trips and excursions, etc…;
  • get involved in several projects about formal and informal learning;
  • support the staff and teachers to train their foreign language skill;
  • promote the international dimension of each activity bringing your own culture and attitude;
  • support students with fewer opportunity and disability during their daily school activities, such as: homework, physical activities, self-confidence, etc…;
  • support all the students or those who would like to be thought foreign language conversation and international project;
  • support students who are going to graduate in orienteering;
  • support teachers in their activities in International projects like Erasmus+KA2 Multilateral Partnership;
  • teach about your own culture and the opportunity of mobility abroad for students.

Food, money and accommodation:

You will get free accommodation for the whole duration of your voluntary service. The volunteer will live in a shared flat with other volunteers in the city of Molfetta. A double room will be provided at the disposition of the volunteer. No single rooms are foreseen. The flat is fully furnished with basic equipment such as: bed linens, plates, glasses, cutlery, pans, washing machine, oven, etc… No blender, hairsdryer, dish washer or other similar equipment are provided. Please consider that WIFI is a service not provided.

The volunteer will receive a monthly amount of money (150€) to sustain offood expenses.

You will receive 150,00 € per month as Pocket money, directly from your coordinating organization (usually at the beginning of each following month). You will receive the aforementioned amount of pocket money even for your holidays. However should you decide to terminate your projec tbefore your voluntary service finishes officially, you won’t be able to receive your pocket money anymore.The pocket money (and food allowance) is eligible to the exactly amount of volunteering activity days.

For more information you can check the infopack here.

  • Istituto Comprensivo “Battisti-Pascoli” – FOR 10 MONTHS

The start day: 1st September 2023

Istituto Comprensivo “Battisti-Pascoli” is a kindergarten (3-6 year-old), primary (6-11 year-old) and secondary school (11-14 year-old pupils), promoting pupils’ wellbeing and inclusion (many of them are of different nationalities), intercultural education, development of digital skills and language learning, prevention of early school leaving, bullying and cyber bullying ,collaboration with families and the local community; laboratory teaching. The purpose of primary education is to enable pupils to acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills to develop basic cultural competence.

Working hours of a volunteer are from 8.00 to 13.00, and after a lunch break from 15.00 to 18.00, five days a week.

Main activities:

As a volunteer, you will have the chance to support the teachers and staff, enriching the daily activities of the students. You can:

  • present your own culture and country;
  • assist teachers in English lessons and organizing non formal activities;
  • participate in activities ‘’Show cooking’’ – which includes preparing traditional dishes (local and from volunteer’s home country);
  • participate in activities ‘’Getting around’’ – raising awareness and exploring local cultural heritage sites;
  • participate in activities ‘’Fair play’’- focused on promotion of sports, physical activities, healthy lifestyle;
  • assist in #coding activities related to using PC, different software and platforms;
  • assist teachers in working with pupils with difficulties during their daily school activities, such as: homework, physical activities, self-confidence, etc…;
  • read books and fairy tales to kids and share stories from own country;
  • take part in artistic activities, such as singing, playing instruments…;
  • give support in carrying out democratic participation project;
  • assist teachers in integration of kids coming from immigrant families.

Food and accommodation:

As a volunteer, you will live in a flat together with 3 other volunteers, in the city of Molfetta close to the school. The accommodation which is provided is a double room with a shared bathroom and kitchen. The lodging choice will be always decided by the School or InCo and it is not possible for you to choose your own accommodation.

You will be provided with an allowance of 150 euros to buy your food in addition to your pocket money.

For more information you can check the infopack here.

Volunteer`s profile: Young people 18-30 years old, project is open for volunteers coming from EU member countries.

How to apple for the project:

To apply for the project, candidates have to send their CV & MOTIVATION LETTER to marco@nyh.ee.

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