koolitus training course nyh italy mental healthName of the project: “Mental Health Ambassadors’ Training Course 

Date: 19th – 21st of April 2023 

City/Country: Recoaro Terme, Italy.



What was the main topic of the event?

Kristina Smirnova – Mental health.

Eva Leena Vool – Mental health and youth work.


koolitus training course nyh italy mental health

What were the biggest learning moments of the event for you?

Kristina Smirnova – Open-space workshops.

Eva Leena Vool – For me the biggest learning moment was when we discussed the topic of cognitive therapy and how it can help people. We talked about the way it works and i found use for it in my personal life very fast.


Do you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, in which way?

Kristina Smirnova– Yes. I’m planning to continue mentoring. And maybe will find myself in some other activities as well.

Eva Leena Vool – Yes, i will continue by being a member in an Estonian organisation for teens mrntal health (ENVTL) and i’ll create some workshops for the youth there.


koolitus training course nyh italy mental healthWould you recommend this experience to your friends? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Kristina Smirnova – Yes. Non-formal education like this gives a really amazing experiences, skills and knowledge as well as international contacts and friends.

Eva Leena Vool – Yes, i reccommend it 100% as the project was very well put together, incredably informative and very fun. I feel like everyone learned something new and the knowledge we gained can be put in use both in our personal life and in our working fields.

This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme