nyh esc solidarity corps türkiye escNoored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting an ESC call for a participant for European Solidarity Corps project (ESC) which will take place from 01st September 2023 until 30th June 2024 in Izmir, Türkiye.





Pi Youth Association is a youth organization that is established to enable young people in Turkey to develop knowledge, skills, positive attitudes, behaviors and also actualizes the decisions taken by European Union, Council of Europe and the United Nations in the field of youth. The Association also maintains its activities by taking into consideration the universal sensitivities, global principles and principles in human rights, participation, and environment issues. The main mission topic of Pi Youth Association is ‘‘Youth Rights, Issues and Participation of Youth.’’ In addition to this, there are 5 more mission topics that we have. Pi Youth Association ‘s target group contains all individuals and youth workers between the ages of 15-30 living in Turkey. From our target group, women, refugees, and disabled people have priority. In addition to carrying out activities to support young’s’ personal development, Pi Youth Association also works on youth rights to solve the problems experienced by young people in our country. Pi Youth Association also determines its medium- and long-term strategies according to the European Youth Strategy Document and the current situation of youth in our country. Pi Youth Association’s office team consists of 11 people including 7 professional employees and 4 part-time employees. There is also a volunteer team (Pixel Team) of local youth, with more than 100 active young people.

Name of Our NGO          : Pi Youth Association (Pi Gençlik Derneği)

Web Site (TR / ENG)    : https://www.pigenclikdernegi.org

Telephone                        : +90 232 483 03 14

E-mail                                : iletisim@pigenclikdernegi.org

Facebook Page (TR)      : https://www.facebook.com/pigenclikdernegi

Facebook Page (ENG)   : https://www.facebook.com/piyouthassociation

Twitter (TR)                     : https://twitter.com/PiGenclikDer

Instagram (TR)               : https://www.instagram.com/pi.genclik.dernegi

Office Address                 : Akdeniz Mah. 1353 Sokak No:1 Taner İş Hanı D:503 Konak 35210 Izmir

Our Office Location       : https://goo.gl/maps/gPD86jhNQgR2


Our association’s activities are carried out in three different categories being in local, national, and international levels. Our local works are for the empowerment and support of the youth living in İzmir. Nearly 1,000,000 young people between the ages of 15-29 live in İzmir and the total population of the city is 4.5 million.

As Pi Youth Association, we organize trainings, workshops, and seminars for young people, especially the disadvantaged ones, in 10 different parts of İzmir. Moreover, we try to provide opportunities for their personal development, healthy living skills, and inclusion in social life.

The volunteer will help us with the activities that we will organize for the local youth. Moreover, he/she will support our office team (administrative part of the organisation) in their daily tasks. Apart from the exemplary activities mentioned below, we are also open to new educational ideas, new workshops, and other suggestions for local youth. You can also mention these suggestions in your application (in your motivation letter) if you wish.


  • Organize trainings or workshops for local young people. (You can determine the topics.)
  • Organize English (or with other languages) Speaking Clubs for local youth.
  • Organize some sport activities for local young people.
  • Participate in Turkish language trainings prepared for you.
  • Writing blogs about your own activities for our website.
  • Organizing cultural events about his/her country in local municipalities and youth centers.
  • Supporting office team (administrative part of the organisation) in their daily work.

If you have following skills, you can also apply for this project as well.

  • Taking professional video for our activities, and video edit for dissemination
  • Preparing shot-movie or video to dissemination our local activities.
  • Taking photos from our activities and preparing English bulletin for dissemination


  • Between the ages of 18 and 30
  • Good knowledge on Microsoft Office programs and internet skills
  • Strong on communication skill
  • Not the problem-oriented, the solution-minded think
  • Fluent in English
  • Tend to teamwork
  • Open to work with young people in different religions and cultures
  • Responsible for completing the work properly and on time
  • Not requesting luxury requirements on the working area and accommodation (Cleanliness and safety are important for us)
  • Creative and open-minded
  • Experienced or interested / enthusiastic volunteers on youth work


To volunteer’s will be paid,

Travel Support : 360 Euro (International round-trip)

Pocket Money  : 4 Euro per day X 30 Days (monthly) = 120 Euro

Food Money    : 3 Euro per day X 30 Days (monthly) = 90 Euro

Local Transit   : 1 Euro per day X 20 Days (monthly) = 20 Euro

Also hosting organization will support to volunteers for accommodation, local transportation, invoices of volunteer room, visa and residence permit, language course (Turkish). Hosting organization has a volunteer house and when you accept to be participant of this project you have to stay there. Please don’t forget to learn accommodation details from hosting organization.


Our Association works between 10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. hours. Volunteers will work between these hours to not exceed 35 hours a week in our association or other youth centers which are we have cooperation. The volunteer is permitted 2 days a week Sunday and Mondays. The volunteer will work at our office and designated project site of our association between specified hours in other days. Our activities like youth exchanges and national meetings take place at the hotel or in youth camps. Therefore, volunteer can work in those places in some changing days. The volunteer will have more 2 free days in a month with weekly holiday. Total, he/she has 20 free days (for example, if his/her project 10 months) in a year. Without weekly holiday, these free days will be organised with volunteer and hosting organisation for deciding the dates and the duration at least 1 month before. You can find office photos belong organisation under this text. Volunteer will work in this office.


You can watch        : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_4polOWmZU
You can read           :
Our Office                :
Volunteering here  :


The duration of the project within the scope of the activities will be for 10 months.

Project dates are from 01st September 2023 to 30th June 2024.

How to apply for the project

  • CV
  • Motivation Letter (It needs to be prepared specifically for vacancy)

There is one vacancy available, and participants should be between 18-30 years old. If you have photography, short-movie, or video arrangement which you doing as hobby or as professional, you can add on your application.

After you prepare documents above, you should send them via email to our contact person- Marco Santos- with subject of ‘‘ESC-Türkiye’’: marco@nyh.ee


Application deadline: 30th April 2023

Like our Facebook page and share our posts in order to have more chances to join our activities!!! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NooredUhiskonnaHeaks?fref=ts

