koolitus training course nyh italy natureName of the project: “Bridge for Mind and Nature’’ Training Course

Date: 25th November – 02nd December 2022

City/Country: Merine, Italy.


What was the main topic of the event?

Andriana Lomakina Ability to empower and enhance social inclusion through mindfulness and nature based practices and methodologies.

Karin Koronen Mindfulness

Katre Laan Spirituality, connecting with mind and (inner and outer) nature


koolitus training course nyh italy natureWhat was the biggest learning moment for you?

Andriana Lomakina I had a chance to discover the concept of the Nature-based Map of the Human Psyche by Bill Plotkin. I learned and explored a lot about myself.

Karin Koronen The biggest learning moment for me was that there is a lot of value in not fitting in. I also got to facilitate a small workshop for the first time.

Katre Laan I re-learnt what it means to be present, enjoy how food tastes, and actively listen to a poem and how it resonates with me. During the six days, I re-connected with my creative self, which was my intention for joining this training program in the first place! I enjoyed the variety of approaches the training program had –  Osho meditation, creative play such as impro theatre, wandering in nature and exploring the different archetypes (as described in the map of wholeness) introduced by the trainers.


koolitus training course nyh italy natureDo you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, in which way?

Andriana Lomakina Yes, I created a network of contacts and continue to use different methods in my private and work life.

Karin Koronen I would love to participate in more projects and I am also interested in doing short-term voluntary work this summer.

Katre Laan I plan to include elements of the learnt practises (in reflection sessions, meditation practise, types of energises we did etc.) I will facilitate in the future (either as part of the professional or voluntary work I do in JCI).


koolitus training course nyh italy natureWould you recommend this experience to your friends? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Andriana Lomakina YES YES YES!

Karin Koronen Yes, I see it as a great opportunity to meet interesting people, hear their stories, learn about different topics, and feel more connected to one another and the world around us.

Katre Laan Yes, I found the experience enlightening. It was an excellent opportunity to connect with my creative self, disconnect and go with the flow in a remote location.


Other comments or anything else you would like to share? You can answer in your mother tongue, if you want!

Andriana Lomakina Olen varasemalt käinud mitmetel erinevatel Erasmus+ projektidel, kuid see projekt oli tõesti midagi erilist. See jäi mulle südamesse. Aitäh võimaluse ning ka sujuva korralduse eest.

Katre Laan The group was too big for such training. The content and the trainers were excellent, and the experience would have been more insightful and greater had there been a group of 10-12 people or so.

 This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
