Noortevahetus / Youth Exchange

noortevahetus nyh eesti learning through board games youth exchange erasmus+Name of the project: Learning Through Board Games

Type of the project: Youth Exchange

Place: Vanaõue Puhkekeskus, Viljandi

Activity dates: 14-22 July 2022

Number of participants: 31 young people

Countries involved: Estonia, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Spain

From the 14th till the 22d of July Noored Ühiskonna Heaks hosted a Youth Exchange „Learning through Board Games“. By playing board games young people have opportunities to develop language, communication, math and thinking skills in a fun way.

noortevahetus nyh eesti learning through board games youth exchange erasmus+During the week spent in the beautiful Viljandi countryside participants got to gain and develop skills and competencies through playing various board games. The project brought together 31 young people from 5 countries – Estonia, Spain, The Czech Republic, Italy and Poland.

Participants explored games as learning tools in different settings and developed strategical thinking, inclusion, and non-violent communication. They also learned about the pros and cons of gamification and got a better look inside the world of modern board games.

Mainly people gathered in international groups and chose a board game that they wanted to play, after learning the rules and playing, they did a short discussion on what they thought about the game and how playing it might benefit young people. In addition the group had workshops on how to create interesting games and got to explore what the word “game” means for them and their peers. 

This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme:
