Name of the project:“I am OUT’’ Youth Exchange
Date: 06th September – 14th September 2022
City/Country:Matera, Italy.
What was the main topic of the event?
Birke Vahesaar – Talking about the environmental problems we are facing today
Carmen Toomet – Sustainability and keeping the environment
Elisabeth Okk – Enviromental problems
Madli Palk – Living “green” lifestyle
Martin Leidsaar – Environmentalism and green thinking
What were the biggest learning moments of the event for you?
Birke Vahesaar – I got a deeper knowledge about topics such as the European Green Deal
Carmen Toomet – I got to know a lot how to manage sustainable farm, how to make things by yourself (pasta, cheese, etc.) and how big is my footprint.
Elisabeth Okk – Learning about new topics, eg green washing or sustainable thinking.
Madli Palk – I never realised how much waste people actually make, moreover, I learned how to avoid making that much waste myself
Martin Leidsaar – Our discussion of the European Green Deal
Do you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, in which way?
Birke Vahesaar – Since I am studying environmental law, I would apply my knowledge in this field
Carmen Toomet – As sustainability is the topic related to our everyday lives, it’s mandatory to follow the knowledge, learn more and teach others.
Elisabeth Okk – Yes, I will try to use green thinking as much as possible in the next steps of my life.
Madli Palk – The project really inspired me but I think I’ll use my new knowledge just for my personal use
Martin Leidsaar – Yes. I am passionate about entrepreneurship and I have long aimed to find my way to it while maintaining an ecologically friendly approach, meaning low waste and participation in environmental causes.
Would you recommend this experience to your friends? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Birke Vahesaar – I would recommend it, but you have to be patient and accept that you are face to face with people 24/7 and also sleep in the same room with everyone, which can be tiring
Carmen Toomet – Absolutely, it’s the coolest way to learn about different topics, see the smaller cities that you would never visit by yourself and meet people with the same interest from different countries.
Elisabeth Okk – Definitely yes, learned new skills (eg how to do Greek dances, pasta workshop etc) and met awesome new people.
Madli Palk – Yes, definitely. Good and fun way to learn about the topic and In the same time making international friends.
Martin Leidsaar – For the most part, I would. In general, I was hoping for a bit more of constructive discussion regarding the environmental issues currently facing Europe and what could be done to combat them. Other than that, I am very satisfied with my decision to participate in the project, as it was a great experience to see organic farm life up close, enjoy the amazing landscape, nature, and weather of Italy, and meet young people from various other countries.
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme