nyh esc solidarity corps france youngNoored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting an ESC call for a participant for European Solidarity Corps project (ESC) which will take place from 01st September 2022 until 30th June 2023 in Quintin, France.



Mission Locale du Pays de Cornouaille supports young people aged 16 to 25 years old – youngsters who have left the school system – in their social and professional project. Each year, it welcomes about 4500 young people in the 10 offices spread over the Cornouaille region. Accompanying young people in the construction of their projects building with them the different steps of their path are essential missions which we wish to promote by including mobility as a guarantee of success.


  • Participate/co-facilitate information workshops about European and international mobility.
  • Support young people in their individual mobility process
  • Testify about your experience as a volunteer within the different youth groups of the Mission Locale
  • Participate in different European projects developed by the Mission Locale.
  • Lead linguistic and intercultural workshops according to his/her skills (music,arts,sports etc.)
  • In collaboration with the other European volunteers welcomed in Cornouaille, co-construct with the young people supported by the Mission Locale a project carried out throughout the year.

IMPORTANT: The action of the volunteer will be in direct link with the international mobility referent with the Mission Locale (DRIVING LICENSE IS REQUIRED)


Volunteers will be given any training necessary to carry out their tasks. The volunteer will have the opportunity to gain social competencies, but also in the field of public relations, communication and event organisation. Most time it will be training on the job, this is the easiest way to learn all things quickly. They will not only be engaged in on-arrival and mid-term trainings, but also group trainings with all the volunteers hosted by Studio Progetto. There will be also the opportunity to attend special meetings/trainings with volunteers hosted by other local association/NGO.

How to apply for the project

  • CV
  • Motivation Letter (It needs to be prepared specifically for vacancy/ vacancies.

There is 1 vacancy available and participants should be between 18-30 years old.

After you prepare documents above, you should send them via email to our contact person- Marco Santos- with subject of ‘‘ESC-FRANCE03’’: marco@nyh.ee  

Application deadline: ASAP

Like our Facebook page and share our posts in order to have more chances to join our activities!!! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NooredUhiskonnaHeaks?fref=ts

