koolitus training course nyh slovakia voiceName of the project: “You Have the Voice’’ Training Course

Date: 19th  June – 27th June 2022

City/Country: Martovce, Slovakia


What was the main topic of the event?

Annely Kasela – Non-violent social media campaigns

Kerli Vau – Social media


What were the biggest learning moments of the event for you?

Annely Kasela – I learned new things about non-violent social campaigns and how to make a cohesive and impactful campaign to support my ideas. Also new things about social media marketing and how to better use different social media channels.

Kerli Vau – Different campaigns


koolitus training course nyh slovakia voiceDo you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, what?

Annely Kasela – I already am kind of active in the field of social media marketing 🙂

Kerli Vau – I dont know yet


Would you recommend it to your friends? If yes, why? If not, why not?

Annely Kasela – Absolutely YES! I had so much fun, I met amazing people and I learned a lot of new things I can actually use in my everyday life.

Kerli Vau – Yes


This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
