koolitus training course nyh italy digitalName of the project: “BoDE: Booster for Digital Entrepreneurship’’ Training Course

Date: 30th  June – 09th July 2022

City/Country: Napoli, Italy


What was the main topic of the event?

Anastassija Bondarenko – Tools for digital interprinership

Ksenija Poltavets – Digital entrepreneurship

Nicole Janno – Digital entrepreneurship

Viktorija Savitseva – Digital tools


koolitus training course nyh italy digitalWhat were the biggest learning moments of the event for you?

Anastassija Bondarenko – During the project we learned and practiced many tools for analysing, creating a structure and developing a start-up. For me the biggest learning outcomes were about creating attitudes. Now I see that the most important thing is creating a financialy sustainable and non-depended on personality system. Any good Idea should go through huge analysis, not to be a part of 4 out of 5 start-ups that die during a year.

Ksenija Poltavets – Digital tools that can help in leading a company

Nicole Janno – Learning about SWOT, because I’ve heard about it but didn’t know how to do it

Viktorija Savitseva – Workshop about business plan and business strategies.


koolitus training course nyh italy digitalDo you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, what?

Anastassija Bondarenko – I see that those knowlege would be useful for me on a long-term distance. It made me more edukates and analyzing person. For me the project had impact on my views and belives.

Ksenija Poltavets – Yes, of course! I have always wanted to make an impact on society by doing good things. I am planning to open an enterprise having sustainability in focus

Nicole Janno – Yes, I don’t know yet

Viktorija Savitseva – Yes, digital tools are really needed in 21 century. I am planning start with making web pages.


koolitus training course nyh italy digitalWould you recommend it to your friends? If yes, why? If not, why not?

Anastassija Bondarenko – For me it was a difficult experiance due to the extreme hot weather and the venue in the middle of the nowhere. The learning part was really new and impactful for me. I would just reccomend to get this experiance in other conditions:)

Ksenija Poltavets – Yes. I think it is important to be aware of your options and of how easy it actually is to start something.

Nicole Janno – I would recommend it to my friends because it is very good opportunity to learn not only about the topic of the project but also about the culture of the country.

Viktorija Savitseva – Of course yes! Because this kind of experience making big difference in how you see the world. A lot of new information, people, cultures.


This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
