koolitus training course nyh spain sexName of the project: “Let’s Talk About Sex’’ Training Course

Date: 01st  July – 08th July 2022

City/Country: Burgos, Spain.


What was the main topic of the event?

Karin Koronen – Sexual education and sexual health

Madis Niinemets – Young people are not usually comfortable talking about sex education with adults and it may be in many cases the opposite way as well. What ever the reason is the topic in this situation will not be discussed enough or at all. Lack of information causes another problem when it comes to looking information.

Merris Kivisoo – Sexual education


koolitus training course nyh spain sexWhat were the biggest learning moments of the event for you?

Karin Koronen – For me, the Body Mapping exercise was one of the best exercises we did during this project. It was a great way to do some introspective work, be vulnerable, grow empathy, and get more connected to others.

Madis Niinemets – One of the participants made a workshop about senses. Since there was two workshops at the same time and I wanted to take part in both, I got to participate on the other half of it. The part of that workshop was about touch. I have been courious about body reaction and this workshop gave me knowledge about my body that I did not know before. It was fun to experience it and to see how partner reacts.

Merris Kivisoo – For me, the biggest learning point was when we got to know ourselves better by mapping our bodies. This method allowed the participants to express their feelings and thoughts through drawing and also gave the opportunity to understand and relate to each other more.


koolitus training course nyh spain sexDo you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, what?

Karin Koronen – After graduating with my BA I’d love to be a high school teacher in human studies, a field that also includes sexual education. I’d love to contribute to the curriculum of sexual education and develop it further with the knowledge I’ve acquired from this project as well as other resources.  And after finishing my MA in psychology this knowledge will definitely turn out useful in my career as a counselor/psychologist/therapist.

Madis Niinemets – I have no plans being active in the field but I will use the knowledge whenever it is nessesary. Before the TC, one of my friends proposed me to come help her with one youth group in Estonia in September. I have some new tools that I can use from this TC.

Merris Kivisoo – I will definitely use learned methods and the knowledge gained in my teaching work in the future.


koolitus training course nyh spain sexWould you recommend it to your friends? If yes, why? If not, why not?

Karin Koronen –  I would 100% recommend short mobility to my friends as for me the experience was extremely educating and gave me the opportunity to meet the most amazing people. It exceeded all my expectations and I’m very grateful for the chance to participate in this project.

Madis Niinemets – Yes, I would recommend this experience to my friends. If the topic suits you and you want to know more about it and/or you have knowledge to share with others, in this case I would consider applying.

Merris Kivisoo – I have already recommended and will continue to recommend such an experience to my friends. In the course of such projects, you can gain a lot of practical skills and knowledge, and it also expands your horizons and gives you new acquaintances.


Other comments or anything else you would like to share? You can answer in your mother tongue, if you want!

Karin Koronen – Aitäh, Noored Ühiskonna Heaks!

Merris Kivisoo – Thank you for this opportunity!


This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
