Name of the project: “You Are WELLcomed” Youth Exchange
Date: 12th – 20th April 2022
City/Country: Gothenburg, Sweden
What was the main topic of the event?
Anna Iaroslavskaia – This topic is about inclusion from the perspective of the psychology of an individual.
Evgeniia Borisova – Inclusion through the perspective of the psychology of an individual – the “insider” mindset and the “outsider” mindset, feeling WELLcomed, concentrating on the WELL as a core to it
Irina Dubovitskaia – Culture of mindfulness, personal growth
Tobias Nurmsalu – Culture, migration, mindfulness
Yuliya Kochneva – Intercultural dialogue, no hate speech, tolerance
What were the biggest learning moments of the event for you?
Anna Iaroslavskaia – It seemed to me it perfectly, to practice meditation, yoga, and awareness. I could focus on myself and relax on this project. The most important thing is that I met very interesting and funny guys, whom I still communicate with. Besides, it was the first time I became a leader and it helped me to increase the level of responsibility.
Evgeniia Borisova – Various meditation methods that promote both a general spiritual state and calm after any specific emotional disturbances are a truly memorable practice. For example, I especially remember the method of dancing with closed eyes to music that personifies various natural elements.
Irina Dubovitskaia – International group work and study experience
Tobias Nurmsalu – The stories about the war in Iraq and the chaos that America caused there.
Yuliya Kochneva – To deal with people coming from different social and cultural background
Do you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, what?
Anna Iaroslavskaia – Yes, I have. We are creating a project with participants about mental disorders. I really liked working on the project with the guys who look in the same direction as me.
Evgeniia Borisova – Yes, together with other participants, we plan to hold an information event in the near future, the main theme of which is mental disorders. Such an event is associated with the well-being of people.
Irina Dubovitskaia – I plan to use the acquired skills in my future work as a teacher
Tobias Nurmsalu – I definitely plan to participate in more youth projects.
Yuliya Kochneva – No.
Would you recommend it to your friends? If yes, why? If not, why not?
Anna Iaroslavskaia – Yes, I think everyone should try their hand at such a great project.
Evgeniia Borisova – Yes, I definitely recommend. On such a project, you can not only find peace in your soul, as it was for me, but also decide what you would really like to do in life, if this problem is relevant to you. The project was peaceful and, it seems to me, the organizers and participants created a safe environment for full self-expression.
Irina Dubovitskaia – Definitely I would recommend this experience to my friends, because it worth to learn how to be conscious and empathic
Tobias Nurmsalu – I do, it’s a mind opening experience where you also make a lot of new friends.
Yuliya Kochneva – Yes these 8 days were full of information. I’ve learned to express my ideas, opinions, feelings, needs and facts in foreign language; to be creative in expressing ideas through music, texts, dance, games and all possible ways of art; to be able to apply achieved competences and experiences in personal, professional and social life
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme