nyh noortevahetus youth exchange czech republic climateNoored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for participants for a Youth Exchange called “Shape the Green Futurewhich will take place from 30th April until 08th May 2022 in Ostrava, Czech Republic.


The youth exchange Shape the Green future will be about the climate change
You will learn:

– What climate change is and how it is caused

– What you can do in your daily life to prevent the climate change

– How you can be active and organize your own environmental projects.

In addition, you can look forward to meet new friends, practice English and spend the time outside in beautiful nature.

The program will consist of various games, simulations and workshops. There will be also space for sharing your own ideas and experience within the topic.

Most of the activities will take place outside -in nature of Beskydy mountains surrounding the venue.


This event will bring together 30 participants from Estonia, Czech Republic, Greece, Lithuania, Slovakia and Spain. The event will be held in English. There are 5 vacancies available and participants should be between 18-30 years old (A group leader should be minimum 18 years old)

The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 275 euros. There will be a participation fee of 40 Eur. per participant.


All the interested people should fill the application form below.

Application deadline: 07th April 2022

Like our Facebook page and share our posts in order to have more chances to join our activities!!! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NooredUhiskonnaHeaks?fref=ts
