Name: Tanya Le Gall Weisz
Age: 22 years old
Country/city of origin: Brittany, France
Activity Dates: 03rd January until 03rd July 2022
Total Months of Volunteering: 6 months
Hosting city in Estonia: Tallinn
Hosting organization: Tallinna Lasteaed Mudila
Main activities:
Volunteering in a kindergarten
At the moment, I’m in a group of children from 3 to 5 years old. In the morning I help with different types of activities; learning games and drawing most of the time
then at the end of the morning, I go out and look after the children with the other teachers and volunteers outside and play with them
we spend a lot of time outside otherwise, I share my language with the children and teachers and learn from their language
I also assist during nap time, read them stories and help the teachers with multi-tasks things such as organizing and cleaning the rooms and preparing the activities ect
We are 4 adults in my group including me, I will switch into other groups from the kindergarten during the next 6 months to get to see every group and how the day differs from one group to another