Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for participants for a Youth Exchange called “The Power of eARTh ” which will take place from 15th to 23rd March 2022 in Merine, South-Italy.
Topic: mindfulness, nature-based methods & holistic education
“The Power of eARTh” is a 7-days youth exchange hosted by the Italian organization, VulcanicaMente. It will bring together 30 young people who are ready to reconnect with themselves and nature through holistic education, art, mindfulness, and nature-based methods.
Participants will be guided through a journey to develop their emotional literacy, explore their creative potentials and use art as a self-discovery tool.
- Create a safe space that inspires inner dialogue, self-reflection and sharing.
- Increase participants’ appreciation and sense of connection with nature.
- Develop emotional literacy and reduce stress and lack of concentration through body- awareness and mindfulness practices.
- Inspire participants to explore their creative potentials and use art as a tool for self-discovery.
- Motivate participants into discovering their inner potentials and values in order to increase their sense of purpose, meaning and belonging.
- Bring awareness towards the connection between body, mind and emotions.
Culture of Mindfulness:
- This is NOT a typical exchange nor a vacation. It is intended as a youth training in which participants will embark on a journey of self- development through the use of mindfulness.
- Participants will work together in maintaining the living spaces, help in the kitchen and assist with activity preparations.
- NO alcoholic drinks, cigarettes (including e-cigs), drugs or any other intoxicants.
- Limited contact with technology, using it only for urgent situations.
Retreat will take place in a remote village surrounded by nature. Accommodation will be in a modest Villa Diana. There will be 4-5 people staying in one room with a private bathroom. More info:
There will be 30 participants coming from 5 different countries (Italy, Estonia, Greece Romania and Slovakia). There are 5 vacancies for participants + 1 group leader.
Profile of the participants:
- Aged 22-30, group leader 22+
- Residents in Estonia
- ready to spend a week addressing difficult issues and immerse themselves in nature and art;
- open minded, demonstrating respect towards other’s values, religions and cultures regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, etc.;
- willing to engage in all activities during the exchange and participate in dissemination activities following the project’s conclusion;
- motivated and committed to sharing their new knowledge with their local communities by organizing workshops, events or an informal gathering with colleagues after the project
- Participants must be fully vaccinated!
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food, activities and will reimburse the travel costs including a required PCR test up to 360€ to the participants. There is a 40€ participation fee to be sent to MTÜ Noored Ühiskonna Heaks.
All interested people should contact as soon as possible!