nyh esc solidarity corps cyprus gapNoored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for a volunteer for an European Solidarity Corps project called “Cap the Gap which will take place from February 2022 until February 2023 in Nicosia, Cyprus.


About Hosting Organisation

YEU Cyprus stands for Youth for Exchange and Understanding Cyprus and it is a nonpolitical, non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Nicosia, Cyprus. Since 1995, the aim of YEU is to foster closer co-operation and better understanding among youngsters through the exchange of experiences and ideas. It is one of the biggest youth organizations in Cyprus numbering more than 1000 members and is considered one of the most active organizations of the island, realizing several activities both on an international and local level.


YEU Cyprus activities:

On an international level, we organize and deliver training courses, focusing always on the youth’s development, awareness raising and capacity building. The methodology of the activities is based on non- formal education and experiential learning.

Providing the opportunity to participate in international activities abroad such as in partner’s training courses, youth exchanges, European Solidarity Corps (ESC), seminars, SALTO events etc.

On a local level, YEU Cyprus has organized and still organizes various activities such as Human Libraries, workshops and seminars on different topics (for example human trafficking, non-formal education, volunteering), street festivals, laughter festival, field trips and other activities.


About “Cap the Gap project

This volunteering activity will focus on the Youth Goal #9 Space and Participation for All and specifically on the aspect of ensuring equal access to everyday decision making for all young people from different backgrounds. With this project we will focus on the problem that young people, and particularly young women, are underrepresented in decision-making processes which affect them. Their engagement is crucial to democratic practices and having equal representation. Young women and young people with fewer opportunities need access to physical spaces in their communities to support their personal, cultural and political development. With this project we will focus on empowering women, and young people from marginalized groups with in the political sphere along with stressing the importance of the entire youth community supporting them as a democratic act.


About Project Activities

  • Structured dialogue conferences.
  • Public Interventions.
  • Drafting policy papers, public consultations, advocacy, lobbying for youth and female matters.
  • Facilitate information and sensitization activities for youth/shed a light on actual topics providing comprehensive information.
  • Seek collaborations with the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, Female Movements and the LGBTQI+ organization.
  • Social media campaigns, infographics, email, newsletters.
  • Volunteers will have the opportunity to decide on more activities to be carried out during the project based on their interest and relevant background.


More information about the project

Tasks will involve organizing short term i.e weekly activities individually or in groups or long-term projects i.e events, interventions audiovisual activities etc. These tasks will be focused on facilitating, organizing, monitoring, evaluating and collaborating on projects that are relevant to the project’s subject matter and their area of interest with the ultimate goal the successful implementation of the mobility project.

These will involve specifically:

  • Non-formal education workshops on political participation and equal representation.
  • Educational and informative seminars, social interventions on the topics of practicing politics and policy drafting.
  • Awareness raising campaigns on youth goal #9 and SDGs5, 9 and 16, the situation in Cyprus and Europe, as well as solutions and creative ideas for embedding ideas of equality in all levels of society and public discourse.
  • Structured dialogues and informal conversations with young people for policy making, advocacy and activism.
  • Events to raise strong female voices and to give motivation to young women to discuss politics.
  • Online and Physical events that are publicized to bring forth young leaders of marginalized groups.
  • Building national, transnational and European partnerships (contributing to SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals) for equality and participation.


About Volunteer’s Profile

  • The volunteers must have the necessary competencies and motivation to work with people coming from different backgrounds and with different interests.
  • The volunteers should have the willingness and openness to learn new things, such as working with ICT tools and non-formal methodology.
  • In regards to the focus of the program it would be preferable for the volunteers to have a relevant background, knowledge or passion concerning the subject.
  • The volunteers should be over 18 years old, open-minded towards multiple working methods, to people from different cultures and be open to new experiences in a transcultural environment.
  • The volunteers should be able to work in a collaborative environment, where they have to engage creatively with the subject and be open-minded and inventive since they will have to create methods to engage actively the local communities.
  • A good level of English is also preferable.


About Working Hours

ESC must be full-time service for the volunteer. Her/his project activities (including language and other training activities relating to the project) should take up at least 30 and not more than 38hours per week (around 7 hours per day). If they will work more than 35 hour per week, they will recover the hours in the same month. In case of working on the weekend for a day, they have the right to take a day off in the same month. The volunteer is entitled to two consecutive free days per week (weekend)and two days of holiday per month.


About Language Support

All volunteers will be provided with a language support: there will be one Greek lesson every week for 2 hours. Furthermore, the volunteers will be enrolled in the OLS (online linguistic support) platform to have extra material to work with to enhance their Greek language learning. We recommend that all volunteers take advantage of this opportunity because it will help establish a better communication with the locals.

About Financial Support

Every volunteer will receive 140 Euros for food allowance and 5 Euros a day for pocket money. The Accommodation will be provided by YEU Cyprus. The volunteers are requested to be very careful on electricity and water bills. A maximum allowance of 75 Euros will be provided for Electricity and Water bills per month for each house. In case that amount is exceeded, the volunteers will be requested to provide the extra costs.

About Health Insurance

YEU Cyprus is responsible to register the volunteers to the CIGNA INSURANCE before their departure. Volunteers will also receive from the sending organization information about the coverage and the procedure of CIGNA INSURANCE. Volunteers are strongly advised to have the European Health Card Insurance card with them given by their national provider.

About Accommodation

The accommodation will be provided by YEU Cyprus at a house in the city of Nicosia, keeping in mind the needs of the volunteer and good accessibility to the office and the services the volunteer might need.

YEU Cyprus team will provide all volunteers with bicycles which they can use in their daily life.

YEU Cyprus will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 360 euros.

 INFOPACK (Infopack Cap the Gap)

How to apply for the project

There is 1 vacancy available and participants should be between 18-30 years old.

After you prepare documents above, you should send them via email to our contact person- Muhsin Şen- with subject of ‘‘ESC-Cyprus’’: muhsin@nhy.ee


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