Name of the project: “Laboratory for Developing Youth Exchanges” Training Course
Date: 8th till 15th January 2022
City/Country: Antalya, Turkey
What was the main topic of the event?
Danila Sviridov– The main goal and idea of the project was focused on the ability to write youth exchanges, what you need to know and how to correctly plan activities.
Kadri Ainumäe – What is exactly a youth exchange and how to create it.
Kärt Elismäe – Learning how to write an erasmus project.
What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Danila Sviridov – I think it was a moment, when we had to write our youth exchange. We shared into teams depending on the topic of interest and began active work.
Kadri Ainumäe – Definitely how to develop your own project and how many details it is necessary to keep an eye on and I understood how much work actually would go into creating a project. And another thing that happened very late in the evening when I took part in a debate between 3 people and a mediator and the reason from that was actually an issue that raised from cultural differences.
Kärt Elismäe – Learning how to do a project and what it really means to write a project.
Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Danila Sviridov – I plan to develop my youth project writing skills and want to keep in touch with my team so we can get started and write a real project.
Kadri Ainumäe – I am not sure if it is exactly my passion right now in this moment in my life but I would not put a hand in front of it as well. I definitely would love to continue taking part in projects.
Kärt Elismäe – From our group with four people we are going to do a project soon. Hopefully it will be next spring but we started already.
Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Danila Sviridov – I recommend everyone to take part in such international trainings and exchanges, because it is a wonderful cultural exchange, an opportunity to meet people with the same interests and goals.
Kadri Ainumäe – I recommend this exact topic and theme to people who are already youth workers and are interested in expanding their knowledge and skills. If you are not sure about whether you enjoy working with young people or no, I would take a second guess. But overall such an experience will definitely not run down your back since there are many inspiring aspects and ideas of others to learn from. The environment in training courses and in youth exchanges always thrives for treating everyone equally with respect and understanding since the cultural differences may become an issue in certain social situations.
Kärt Elismäe – Yes. The experience in impossible to describe. I have learned so many useful and interesting things in a fun way. Even if the project has main topic, we are learning many other things too. I feel more confident now. Also, I find so many new friends during the time, who I can always visit around the world.
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme