ingrid veermae EUROOPA SOLIDAARSUSKORPUS prantsusmaa franceName: Ingrid Veermäe

Age: 19 years old

Region/City: Tartu, Tartumaa







Activity Dates: 20.09.2021 – 25.02.2022

Total Months of Volunteering: 5 Months


Hosting Country: Franceingrid veermae EUROOPA SOLIDAARSUSKORPUS prantsusmaa france

Hosting Organisation: Planet Citizens

Main Activities Developed:

– teaching English through sport:

Volunteers participate in the daily work of different schools and sport clubs to help the kids learn English. Our main task is to assist the teacher/educator and help the kids learn and improve their English. For example we play various games using English vocabulary and explain the sport activities in English. Additionally, we try to reach out to the kids individually and ask them easy questions such as what is your name, how old are you etc. To evaluate the process the kids make, they are tested on vocabulary in the beginning and at the end of a 4 week cycle.


ingrid veermae EUROOPA SOLIDAARSUSKORPUS prantsusmaa france– cultural exchange:

In addition to being present in different sport classes, we also introduce and present our home countries and cultures to the kids. For example on Monday I will go to a class and tell the kids about Estonia and the Estonian education system. In addition to this, we are asked to teach an easy kids` song to the local pupils, just for fun you know! 🙂  )



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