Name of the project: R5 Tree Youth Exchange
Date: 1st until 9th September 2021
City/Country: Budapest, Hungary
What was the main topic of the event?
Hedy Laine – Main topics were about recycling, reducing, refusing, reusing and repurposing.
Danila Sviridov – The main topic of the project was devoted to caring for the environment in our time and about involving people in solving environmental problems.
Annika Peterson – Reuse, repurpose, recycle, refuse, reduce
What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Hedy Laine – Biggest learning moment for me was how different countries look at environmental issues and how they apply 5R’s in their own countries. You can really see the differences in perspectives.
Danila Sviridov – I think these were moments of immersion in environmental issues that we see nowadays. And also, the moments when we, as a team, were looking for ways to solve these problems.
Annika Peterson – For me the biggest learning moment was to get to know better the 5Rs of waste management. It was also very interesting to hear how are the realities in the other countries and what kind of laws they have according to 5Rs.
Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Hedy Laine – I would definitely want to take part in more of these wonderful projects and opportunities and also to maybe share the word about these kinds of youth projects so other people could have these experiences as well.
Danila Sviridov – In the near future, my team and I want to hold a seminar for students. I also start thinking about my project, which I would like to organize in the future.
Annika Peterson – I continue being active myself and behaving environmentally friendly, spreading the knowledge with other people.
Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Hedy Laine – I definitely would recommend (and also have already) because this was an amazing experience for me, I learned a lot, and I’d like other people to also have these kinds of amazzing experiences.
Danila Sviridov – Of course, yes, and I already recommend this many, because this is a great opportunity to show your communication skills and get acquainted not only with the cultures of other countries, but also learn more about the topic (project topic).
Annika Peterson – Yes, I think international youth exchanges are very good way to learn from other young people. We learned also practical things we all can do in everyday life to be more environmentally friendly so it wasn’t just theory.
More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!
Hedy Laine – Aitäh suurepärase kogemuse eest!!!
Danila Sviridov – I want to say a big thank you to the organizer of the project for interesting activities and the opportunity to participate!
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme