Name of the project: I Want to Break Free Youth Exchange
Date: 11th until 22nd August 2021
City/Country: Milcoveni, Romania
What was the main topic of the event?
Rauno Richard Arak – Recycling
Elina Riisalu – Recycling
Sanna Vunk – Recycling
Mart Enel – Recycling
Lysette Tint – Recycling
Anette Siinvert – Recycling
Getter Mathiesen – Recycling
What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Rauno Richard Arak – My biggest learning moment was when I got to know that Romania is recycling only 11% of their garbage. We Estonians should be proud.
Elina Riisalu – I knew a lot about recycling myself to be honest so there was not very new things for me in that case. For me the biggest learning moment was more how this project was set up. I loved how we were mixed, not only working with people from our own country and learning about other cultures, people, mindsets etc. Which all are a part of sustainable recycling in my opinion. 🙂 I learned to value more different aspects of life.
Sanna Vunk – For me, it was during activities. I am a really shy at public speaking, and it was a really great change to develop this skill.
Mart Enel – Every activity taught me something. About other point of views or other cultures etc
Lysette Tint – I learned that most countries have some kind of recycling system. But Romania doesn’t really have a good system yet. And because of that they don’t really recycle that much.
Anette Siinvert – For me personally feels like the biggest learning moment was that even if we are from different countries and have our differences we can still come together and find ways to recycle and clean the world. Because in our hearts we all care the same.
Getter Mathiesen – For me was biggest learning moment that you can make so many good friends with so little time. It was so interesting to get to know new people and different cultures.
Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Rauno Richard Arak – Yes, I love taking part in the projects because they start a fire inside me and I know that I am doing the right thing
Elina Riisalu – YES YES and YES!! It doesn’t matter actually to me. As long as I can I will participant ,and I will definitely want to use my opportunity to volunteer and do some trainings I guess. Also I’m really interested helping with projects myself 🙂
Sanna Vunk – Of course. But probably not in projects. I will involve this knowledge more to my everyday life and promote recycling to my friends and family more.
Mart Enel – Yes I do, as a participant or group leader.
Lysette Tint – Yes, I would like to help out in different erasmus+ projects which will take place in Estonia as well as participate myself in some projects, but only in the summertime (because I am still attending university).
Anette Siinvert – Yes, I would really love to volunteer because when they talked about it my heart started to pound really fast and I knew that it’s the right thing for me.
Getter Mathiesen – Yes. I would love to go on another project like this.
Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Rauno Richard Arak – Yes, it will open your eyes so much more than you could imagine
Elina Riisalu – Million times YES. This kind of projects are perfect way to learn about not only the topic of the project but as I said- different people, mindets,cultures etc. It teaches you so much! And as I always say best way to learn about yourself and others is to travel! These projects has all of it and who wouldn’t want to make the world a better place while having fun ? 🙂
Sanna Vunk – Yes. It really has been a really amazing experience. I got to learn more about where other countries stand in recycling. Got new knowledge and a chance to improve myself. And also one of the biggest part was meeting new people from different countries and cultures. It showed me how different the life is elsewhere. You can’t get this kind of experience form school, you have to live it.
Mart Enel – Yes any time. We had wonderful time in there I really loved to meet people from different countries
Lysette Tint – Yes I would, because I met a lot of very interesting people there, as well as got some new experiences in recycling.
Anette Siinvert – Yes, because it changed my life and I feel more alive after this experience. I can’t even put my feelings in words. You can really find friends for life there.
Getter Mathiesen – Definitely yes! It was wonderful experience to have and I think everyone would love it!
More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!
Rauno Richard Arak – Aitäh minu lahedale tiimile ning aitäh Marcole, kes mind alati toetas!
Elina Riisalu – I just want to say that this opportunity was amazing and I am so thankful for this! I learned so much from it.
Lysette Tint – Thank you very much for this amazing opportunity.
Anette Siinvert – I can’t wait for the next project❤️
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme