Name of the project: ABC for Intercultural Dialogue Training Course
Date: 12st until 20th August 2021
City/Country: Paris, France
What was the main topic of the event?
Julia Pronjagina – Main aim was to develop young people’s intercultural competences such as cultural awareness and expression, communication in foreign languages and social competence.
Daniel Budõlin – Creating and enhancing the ability of working in an intercultural environment
Kadri Ainumae – The main topic was about overcoming the barriers of difference in each culture and the abilty to put yourself in someone else´s shoes.
What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Julia Pronjagina – The concept of cultural identity. Facilitation opportunities in youth work
Daniel Budõlin – Project has put me in a position of constant self-developing. The topics such as one’s origins, cultural tolerance and common stigmas were discussed within the program. Friendly environment created a safe field for sharing interpersonal experiences and learning from other participants. I have taken a lot with me during this week. However, there is a lot YET to learn
Kadri Ainumae – Overall I learned about myself throughout the training, especially when each one of us had to be a facilitator of a workshop. But one of the biggest learning moments was probably understanding thoroughly the difference between formal, informal and non formal learning approaches.
Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Julia Pronjagina – Yes, I will continue to integrate international volunteers to Estonian society using knowledge and skills I gained during the training.
Daniel Budõlin – Yes, I got inspired by the program to create and lead my own workshop on local level.
Kadri Ainumae – I will probably continue taking part of projects like this because learning in a non formal environment is definitely very refreshing and in a lot of ways, very sufficient!
Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Julia Pronjagina – Absolutely. Best opportunity to learn more about other cultures and about yourself.
Daniel Budõlin – Definitely! The perfectly balanced combination of passionate and professional trainers, hardworking group and a pinch of French charm is all what one might need for an outstanding Erasmus+ project.
Kadri Ainumae – I do recommend it because you are not going to the projects just to learn and sit all day, but you get to do it in so many creative ways, while making your circle of acquaintances bigger and having the chance to taste a little bit of the culture where the project is arranged (and also every culture that is represented at the project 😀 )
More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!
Julia Pronjagina – If you want to explore the world, make new contact, learn about others and yourself then Erasmus+ projects with Noored Ühiskonna Heaks is the right choice.
Daniel Budõlin – Thanks for your support, Marco! 😊
Kadri Ainumae – Minge kõik, kes tahavad oma silmaringi ning tutvusringkonda laiendada ning luua mälestusi, mis jäävad elu lõpuni meelde! Sellised koolitused sobivad väga hästi ka CV täiendamiseks!
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme