Name of the project: Youthpreneurs+ Youth Exchange
Date: 1st until 8th August 2021
City/Country: Guarda, Portugal
What was the main topic of the event?
Julius Liiv – Youth enterpreneurship
Rauno Richard Arak – Making a business
Nikita Pavlov – Business , management, entrepreneurship
Pille Markov – Opportunities and difficulties in entrepreneurship
Hanna Kuusksalu – Building your own business, becoming a young entrepreneur
What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Julius Liiv – Biggest learning moment was the Canvas 9 step business model, that we followed to create our own startups. I was not familiar with that before the project.
Rauno Richard Arak – How to do pitch and a business plan myself.
Nikita Pavlov – Pitching
Pille Markov – I think that for me it was speaking English for the whole week and learning about different countries/cultures. It really built courage and widened my knowledge.
Hanna Kuusksalu – I think the biggest learning moment for me was when we actually had to come up with a business plan and make it come true on paper- from small details to big ones. It really gave me a relieving feeling that creating a business isn’t half as hard as i thought. What matters is that you start SOMEWHERE.
Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Julius Liiv – Yes, I continue to teach and give my knowledge to students and youth about how to start up an entrepreneurship. I also continue to be working on my own business.
Rauno Richard Arak – yes, I am supposed to be a leader in Romanian project.
Nikita Pavlov – I will share my experiences with my friends and social media
Pille Markov – Yes, I would like to participate in other projects.
Hanna Kuusksalu – Yes, for sure! I’m still very motivated to start my own business in the near future.
Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Julius Liiv – I would recommend any Erasmus + project to my friends. They are a great way to see the world, the different cultures and people from other countries. People not only can get to learn about the destination country and their ways in life but also about other participating countries. Projects also give participants an opportunity to internally analyze their own country and give them the task to introduce, represent and maybe even advertise their own national country.
Rauno Richard Arak – Yes, you will gain a lot of new friends and connections, gain knowlidge and learn new things.
Nikita Pavlov – Yes. Amazing experience, everyone needs to feel it.
Pille Markov – I would recommend it to my friends. It gives so much experience and good connections. You make such good friends who become like a family in a week.
Hanna Kuusksalu – Yes, yes and one more time yes! Not only you meet with like minded, interesting and lovely people from another countries- you also actually gain a lot education-wise. It’s for sure one of my best decisions that gave me one of the best memories ever.
More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!
Julius Liiv – This project was rather weak in programm wise. The facilitators were good people with experience but they failed to fulfill the goals this program intended. It was the worst project I have been to program wise (so many powerpoints, lectures and overall bad activities) and food wise (I did not like the food at all and could not make myself enjoy it one bit). The people and the city itself were rather pleasant and even though our whole group lacked chemistry, I am glad that our national group got along very well and were one of the best groups I have ever had. Overall I get positive memories from this project because of the people.
Rauno Richard Arak – Soovitan igast projektis osa võtta, kui on vähegi võimalust. Sa ei pruugi veel teada, mida see sulle juurde annab, aga proovi ja saa teada!
Pille Markov – Thank you for the opportunity, I am now hooked and want to participate more!
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme