Noortevahetus/Youth exchange
Name of the project: What’s next? Youth Exchange
Type of the project: Mobility of Young people
Place: Vandra, Pärnumaa
Activity dates: 24th of July to 1st of August 2021
Countries involved: Estonia, Italy, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Czech Republic
Viimane aasta koolis ja sa ei tea, mida pärast teha? Perekond? Karjäär? Töö? Kuidas leida ennast, kui teie ümber on nii palju võimalusi? Kuidas valida oma ja mitte eksida?
Kõiki neid küsimusi arutati noortevahetuse “What’s next?” käigus, mille eesmärk on aidata noortel oma karjääriteed määratleda; mõista, millised arenguvõimalused on kaasaegses maailmas ja kuidas neid kasutada; kuidas olla oma tegemistes kindel ja mitte endas kahelda. Kokku tuli 31 osalejat 6 riigist.
Noortevahetus toimus informaalse õppe vormis, kus seminarid ei olnud tavalised kooliloengud konkreetse õpetajaga ja range ajakavaga, vastupidi, nende seminaride eesmärk on tagada, et igal inimesel oleks võimalus end proovile panna “Õpetaja”, kellele teema anti, ja tegevused ise mõtlesid poisid välja. Osalejad said end proovile panna, pidades kõnesid, harjutades meeskonnatööd ja võttes endale õpilase rolli õpetajana. Rühmad valmistasid ette töötubasid, et käsitleda selliseid teemasid nagu töötus, roll ühiskonnas, portfelli loomine ja sotsiaalsed probleemid.
Noortevahetuse oluliseks osaks on ka kultuuriõhtud, mille käigus on lastel võimalus tutvuda erinevate kultuuride, rahvusvahelise köögiga, laulda laule erinevates keeltes ning tantsida ka eri maade rahvatantse. Nii oli meil võimalus maitsta ehtsat Itaalia pitsat, nautida luulet ukraina keeles, tantsida eesti rahvatantse ja osaleda viktoriinis Tšehhi kultuurist.
Noortevahetus oli nii unustamatu tänu lõbusale õppimisele ning osalejate pühendumusele ja entusiasmile!
Participant’s experience example below 🙂
Helena Pechová (Czech Republic)
One of the goals for the youth exchange was to learn how to express ourselves through different methods such as role-playing, writing or drawing. So were playing theatre about responding to challenging situations or drawing important moments in our life to map the competencies we had obtained.
To sum it up we had a wonderful time in Estonia experiencing the role of facilitator in our workshops, practising English, learning about different cultures during intercultural nights, about ourselves, our strengths and possible ways of further development. Many thanks to EYCB for this chance to participate and also Marco + the Estonian team for taking care of us and doing their best.
Diana Kopot (Estonia)
This project gave me the opportunity to look at solving problems from several sides, learn how to smooth out conflicts, make a compromise, and most importantly, how to stop being afraid of my future. I found very good friends and acquaintances who are already helping me to improve my goals for life and plans. The most pleasant thing was the support and friendship within our Estonian team, and then I realized that friends in trouble do not leave, but support. I felt especially happy in the sports games with the guys from the camp. At that moment I realized that no matter how old you are, you can always get joy from small things.
Vlad Placinta (Moldova)
So my experience in Estonia was one of the best I had so far, I met new people and new cultures I made new friendships and I figured out somthing new about every country at the Project also I got a lot of cool information that I can use at home for the youth from here, one of the best parts was about communicating and sharing our own experience because all people are individuals and have their point of wiew and its so wonderful when you can here them out, also I want to say that at the end of the project I figured out what’s next. Thank you Estonia 🇪🇪 for this amazing experience I hope I visit you someday again, with love from Republic of Moldova 🇲🇩.
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme