nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh bulgaria bulgaaria Name of the project:  Skills Reveal Youth Exchange

Date:  18th until 27th July 2021

City/Country:  Varna, Bulgaria



What was the main topic of the event?

Kadri Ainumäe – Ways to improve entrepreneurship skills

Mari Põldma – Entrepreneurship

Jan Arnar Põldma – Entrepreneurship

Brenda Rosenberg – How do I become an entrepreneur, what is the entrepreneurship and how can we get started for this.

Robert Hekkurainen – Entrepreneurship of different countries

Richard Hekkurainen – Entrepreneurship


What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?

Kadri Ainumäe – When we got to know about other countries opportunities and situations about entrepreneurship

Mari Põldma – For me it was an activity where I had to look deep in myself and answer questions I have never been asked. It really opened my eyes and I got to know myself better.

Jan Arnar Põldma – Working in teams, coming up with different ideasnooretevahetus youth exchange nyh bulgaria bulgaaria

Brenda Rosenberg – Always we don’t have time to analyze each of our decisions. Sometimes we need to act fast to be successful in business.

Robert Hekkurainen – How much easier it is to create startups in my country (Estonia) than in the more Western and Southern countries.

Richard Hekkurainen – What business optimizing opportunities different European countries offered to entrepreneurs.


Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?

Kadri Ainumäe – Yes, it motivated me to finally start my little business with my paintings

Mari Põldma – Yes! I Would like to be active as long as I can and in areas, I am able to contribute.

Jan Arnar Põldma – Yes, by participating more projects in the future.

Brenda Rosenberg – I hope so, because I want to be an entrepreneur and plan my time myself.

Robert Hekkurainen – For right now, yes. I would love to attend more projects in the future by going to new places and gathering more knowledge from different people on whatever the project is about.

Richard Hekkurainen – Yes, by participating in other projects hosted by Erasmus+


nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh bulgaria bulgaaria Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?

Kadri Ainumäe – I do recommend it because it is not only teaching you new things about the topic but it is also improving your language skills, digital skills and social skills

Mari Põldma – Absolutely! This is a perfect way for young people to widen their view of the world. I have not regretted once that I have joined these projects.

Jan Arnar Põldma – Yes because they are good for widening your horizons because of the different environment and different People you meet. Also, you can make lifelong friends in these projects

Brenda Rosenberg – Yes, if some friends are interested something like that and they don’t know what they want to do with their lives, but no, if I know that their priorities are something else.

Robert Hekkurainen – Yes, I would. The experience you get from there is unique. All the new contacts, different cultures and super nice environment from the members of the project and also organisators. Away from working people are willing to have fun and do it the way it’s done in their country, which is always surprising. After the project you will always leave rich with friends and ideas.

Richard Hekkurainen – Yes, great people, new experiences and ability to learn useful information.


More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!

Jan Arnar Põldma – It was a pleasure to be in this project, until next time mala***❤️

Brenda Rosenberg – Projekt polnud päris see, mida oleksin oodanud. Tegemist oli nagu väikese laagriga, kus kasutati kõike seda, mida internetist on võimalik ise kätte saada. Ei tundnud, et osaljad ise oleksid suutnud mulle pakkuda midagi uut ja kasulikke ideid. Oleks meeldinud, kui oleks mõni ettevõtjast külaline olnud nt, kellega erinevaid ettevõtte arengu etappe olek saanud arutada ja analüüsida. Teooriast jääb väheks, vaja oleks reaalseid olukordi ja praktilisi kogemusi, mida läbi mängida ja analüüsida, kuidas vastavas ettevõttes saaks/oleks saanud strateegiate ja teooriate abil paremini hakkama jne. Projekti sisu jäi kasinaks. Aga olen tänulik selle kogemuse eest ja nende uute tutvuste eest, mis see projekt võimaldas luua.


This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
