Noortevahetus/Youth exchange
Name of the project: The Adventure of Learning Outside
Type of the project: Youth Exchange
Place: Vanaõue Puhkekeskus, Viljandimaa
Activity dates: 15th to 23rd July 2021
Number of participants: 26 people
Countries involved: Estonia, Moldova, Ukraine, Czech Republic
Selle vahva noortevahetuse eesmärgiks oli anda noortele kogemus ja elutarkused looduses hakkama saamiseks ning jagada ideid, mida me üldse looduses või õues ära saame teha koos teiste aktiivsete noortega.
Projekt erines tavapärasest noortevahetuse programmist sellega, et 3 ööd/päeva sai veedetud Eesti metsade vahel. Pakkisime asjad ning asusime teele, mil pidime vastu panema Eesti erakordselt kuumale suvele ning hirmsatele parmudele. See oli juba katsumus omaette. Telkimisaladel saime nautida tavapäraseid matkavõlusid – telkide ülespanek, lõkke tegemine, lõkketoidu valmistamine, puude lõhkumine jne. Palju esmakordseid kogemusi meie Moldova ja Ukraina tiimi liikmetele!
Eestlastele kohaselt tutvustasime oma armsa Eesti võlusid – päikesetõus ja loojang rabas, saunaõhtu, kohalik söögipoolis ja võluv loodus.
Kuigi oli tavapärasest keerulisem ja emotsionaalselt raskem projekt, lahkusid kõik noored naerul sui ning palju raskema kogemustepagasiga, kui nad saabusid.
Siinkohal pildid räägivad rohkem, kui tuhat sõna!
The goal of this fun youth exchange was to give the youth experience and knowledge of survival in the nature and to share ideas and activities of what we can do while using the outside space with our local youth.
This project differs from a regular youth exchange already because of the time schedule. We spent 3 nights/days in the Estonian forests. Once we got packed and started going on our path we had to put up with the exceptionally hot Estonian summer and the most annoying horseflies. Now that was a challenge in itself! At the campsites we could enjoy all the magic of hiking – putting up tents, making the fire, cooking our food on the fire, chopping wood etc. A lot of firsts for our Moldavian and Ukranian team!
As the Estonians do, we also introduced some of the wonders of Estonia – sunrise and sunset at the bog, sauna night, local food and the ever charming nature.
Even though this was a tough and emotionally trying project everyone left the place with big smiles and with a huge experience in their baggage.
I think pictures say more than a thousand words can say.
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme