Koolitus / Training Course
Name of the project: Stairways To Trainers Training Course
Type of the project: Mobility of Youth Workers
Place: Vanaõue Puhkekeskus, Viljandimaa
Activity dates: 20th to 29th June 2021
Number of participants: 29 youth workers
Countries involved: Estonia, Austria, Italy, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Sweden, Greece, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Spain, France.
Mida on vaja edukaks noortega tööks? Kuidas üldse koolitajana oma ideedega sihtgrupini jõuda? Kuidas luua selliseid mitteformaalseid õppimisviise, mis noortele päriselt huvi pakuksid?
Kõigi nende küsimustega tegeleti treeningu “Stairways To Trainers” käigus, mille eesmärgiks oli noorsootöötajaid, noortega töötajaid ja koolitajaid võimestada ning neile õpetada, kuidas disainida, läbi viia ja analüüsida tähenduslikke hariduslikke tegevusi. Kokku tuli 29 osalejat 12-st erinevast riigist.
Nagu mitteformaalsele õppele kohane, ei olnud ka see treening loengu kuulamine ega üksluine koolipingis istumine. Osalejad said end proovile panna kõnesid pidades, meeskonnatööd harjutades ning õppija rollist õpetaja omasse astudes. Gruppides valmistati ette töötoad, et juhtida tähelepanu ühiskonnas aktuaalsetele probleemidele, sh ebavõrdsus, privileegid, koolitajate mentaalse tervise hoidmine, Covid-19-st tulenevad sotsiaalsed probleemid jpm.
Puudu ei jäänud ka eri kultuuride tundmaõppimine, rahvusvahelised toidud ning Eesti kommete järgi ühe õige Jaanipäeva mahapidamine. Saapad said visatud, köied veetud ning Jaanitule ümber tantsijaid oli kamaluga.
Treening osutus niivõrd meeldejäävaks just tänu põnevale õppetööle ning pühendunud ja entusiastlikele osalejatele!
Stairways To Trainers
What do you need for successful youth work? As a youth worker, how to really reach the right audience with your ideas? How to create such methods of non-formal learning that they would actually interest young people?
All of these topics were discussed during the training course “Stairways To Trainers”, which aimed to empower youth workers and teach them how to design, organise and analyse impactful educational activities.
As Georgiana (Romania) recalled:
“The forming, storming, norming, performing and transforming will happen automatically in any group, but a trainer needs to take into consideration the needs of the group.”
Participants challenged themselves through public speaking, teamwork and changing their roles from a student to a teacher. Small groups prepared workshops to bring attention to global and societal problems, such as inequality and privileges, problems related to COVID-19 and maintaining the mental health of trainers.
Claudio (Italy) writes about his experience creating the workshop (X-periment activity) as follows:
“Today’s task was to make concrete what yesterday was builded just theoretically, in and with our fantasy: the X-periment! It took a lot yesterday to collect ideas, choose them with the group, develop them. Then piece by piece, word by word, like little particles of water that evaporate, everything collided in our activities, like in a big cloud full of expectation, fears, anxiety, fatigue, excitement, a lot of static energy and rumbling feelings that, for many of us, today, just exploded.”
In addition, participants learned more about each others’ cultures and traditional food and all together celebrated Jaanipäev (Midsummer’s Day) in a proper Estonian way with a bonfire, booth-throwing and a tug-of-war.
As Paweł (Poland) put it:
“Day was warm and mosquitos were busy as always. We swam, we spoke, we laughed, we had our time…”
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme http://noored.ee/