nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh bulgaria bulgaaria EUName of the project:  EU & YOU Youth Exchange

Date: 10th until 18th May 2021

City/Country: Bansko, Bulgaria




What was the main topic of the event?

Kelly Kurs – Discussing being part of the EU within youngsters

Danila Sviridov – Volunteering in Europe. Integration into European society

Rauno Richard Arak – EU and Erasmus+ and volunteering

Merilin Kalamis – Learning about opportunities the EU offers and volunteering.

Tatiana Pichugina – About youth and organisations in Europe. Opportunities for volunteers and exchange


What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh bulgaria bulgaaria EU

Kelly Kurs – I learned a lot of different point of views about the EU and I feel like it really made me smarter. Also learning about Erasmus+ opportunities was eye-opening as I wasn’t aware of that many possibilities.

Danila Sviridov – Team activities and workshops

Rauno Richard Arak – I think that there are so many more different ways to participate with Erasmus than I thought

Merilin Kalamis – To see what Europe through someone else’s eyes is, the differences about each country. I also didn’t know before that Erasmus has so many programmes.

Tatiana Pichugina – I learned about organisations in Europe



Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?

Kelly Kurs – Yes, I would like to be a group leader more often as I like to be responsible for giving others a good experience.

Danila Sviridov – Yes. I would like to participate in more projects

Rauno Richard Arak – Yes, I want to participate in more projects for example one what it taking place in Portugal

Merilin Kalamis – I don’t have any plans yet, but I want to be active in the field very soon.

Tatiana Pichugina – Yes, because I met o lot of cool people here. I’m interested in volunteer work and want to make world better place



nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh bulgaria bulgaaria EUWould you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?

Kelly Kurs – Yes, because 4 of 5 of us had their first experience and they told me they really enjoyed it.

Danila Sviridov – Of course yes. Because it is a wonderful experience of communication and cultural exchange.

Rauno Richard Arak – Yes, we had such an amazing group of people, such a good workshop masters and everything was just so amazing, like a dream

Merilin Kalamis – Yes!! The project changes you and how you see everything in your life. It’s not just a project where you learn about EU, you learn so much amazing things about yourself too.

Tatiana Pichugina – Yes, because it’s great experience to chat with education people and to learn smth new, become more open minded



More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!

Kelly Kurs – Väga tore oli teiega käia projektis, loodan tulevikus kindlasti veel käia!!!

Danila Sviridov – Thanks for the great opportunity. it was a very good experience

Rauno Richard Arak – Aitäh teile selle suurepärase võimaluse eest, sest tänu teile kohtasin ma tõesti üli toredaid inimesi, kellega on plaanid juba ka tehtud tulevikuks.

Tatiana Pichugina – It was so awesome that I cried in the airport when was reading cute letters from guys which I met in Bulgaria and made friendship. It was my the first project and I worried about Covid restrictions and everything, but I saw that organisations are professionals 🙂


This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
