Name of the project: ActivEmotion Youth Exchange
Date: 02nd until 10th March 2020
City/Country: Malaga, Spain
What was the main topic of the project?
Grete Tiigiste: Emotional Intelligence, Bullying
Angela Allik: Emotional intelligence and bullying
Sören Pruul: Emotional intelligence and how it relates to bullying
Erik: Bullying and Emotions
Silver Mäoma: Bullying, Emotional intelligence
What was the biggest learning moment for you?
Grete Tiigiste:: That it is possible to make the change in society with very different backgrounds and methods.
Angela Allik: How differently different nations and people express emotion and understand bullying. I understood how differently I express the same emotions and how differently I would describe same emotions compared to other nations.
Sören Pruul: Workshop where we talked about our bullying situations
Erik: There are no good or bad emotions. Every emotion and feeling is part of life and I learned to enjoy them.
Silver Mäoma: Organizing the workshop
Do you have any plans to continue being active in the field? If yes, in which way?
Grete Tiigiste: Due to the situation in the world, maybe not in the near future.
Angela Allik: In the field of psychology I do plan to be active. I would like to do some research in the emotional intelligence and cultural differences field.
Sören Pruul: I´m always reading emotional intelligence topics
Erik: Nope
Silver Mäoma: I plan to continue being active in psychology and raising the awarness about bullying.
Would you recommend this experience to your friends? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Grete Tiigiste: Of course, Erasmus+ is very powerful!
Angela Allik: I would recommend these kind on exchanges to younger people I know, it was fun and useful experience but I felt like I gained little new information. I would rather go to youth exchanges where the topic is little more unknown for me or seminars from now on and would recommend this to my friends who are the same age as me or older.
Sören Pruul: Yes, it is an amazing experience to raise your empathy and learn about emotions
Erik: Yes. The organisers were very good.
Silver Mäoma: Yes, i think this kind of experience teaches people to think outside the box, you ll see different perspectives for how to solve problems and also you meet new interesting people.
Other comments or anything else you would like to share? You can answer in your mother tongue, if you want!
Angela Allik: I am glad these kind of project exist.
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme