Name of the project: Good Web Citizen Youth Exchange

Date: 24th February until 2nd March 2020

Country/City: Poland, Katowice



What was the main topic of the event?

Romet: Fake news, cyber-bullying, copyright and privacy

Roland: Personal cybersecurity, cyberbullying, fake news, copyright

Liisi: The safe use of the internet

Markus Ants: Internet security, privacy, cyberbullying and fake news


What was the biggest learning moment in the event for you?

Romet: How to identify fake news.

Roland: Fake news and copyright, how to navigate in internet and not get confused by propaganda or hysteria.

Liisi: All of the workshops with people from different countries were educative and fun and it was great to have so many different points of view over one topic.

Markus Ants: About privacy and how much others can see about what i post.


Do you have any plans to continue actively in the field? If yes, what?

Romet: Learning more on these topics.

Roland: I think the topic is really useful in daily life, so yes – when researching, reading news, discussing them.

Liisi: As an active user of the internet I have no other option 🙂 using the knowledge gained during the project can be pretty useful.

Markus Ants: If asked about activity in  Erasmus+ field then yes, i have more projects coming up.


Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?

Romet: Yes, great experience.

Roland: Yes! Super fun, ability to meet new people, learn how to work together, learn about their country and perspective, learn about the topic also.

nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh poland poola webLiisi: Yes, very much, it was super fun, useful and hopefully the friends I got from there are for a lifetime.

Markus Ants: Yes definitely, great opportunity to meet new people and travel across countries.


More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!

Markus Ants: Do not be afraid to try.


This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
