Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for volunteer for European Solidarity Corps placement at the “Direction de la jeunesse et des sports” for 8-9 months, which will take place from September–October 2020 in Rouen in Normandy region, France.
The ESС project will take place at a new French hosting organisation, Département de Seine-Maritime which works with people of different age groups and helps them on childcare and parenthood, social action and disability, integration, youth, sports and culture, support to associations and municipalities, maintenance of spaces natural resources, roads, tourism attractiveness, digital technology, and colleges.
Departmental services ensure promotion of citizenship and solidarity. Their actions contribute to facilitating well-being together, allow access to culture and sport to the greatest number, fight against all forms of violence and discrimination, support family caregivers and intergenerational actions, promote independence and mobility of youth is also the daily life of the Department through innovative like ESC.
The Profile of the volunteer:
Our ideal volunteer candidate is an open minded person willing to learn, to improve her/himself and to help other people. It is important to be ready to work in a team and to share the daily life with people from different backgrounds. Although it is not required to have a high level of English, the volunteers need to have at least a basic knowledge of the language. That is this important for their everyday communication with international and local people but also for their safety.
The main topic of the project is Awareness raising for college students around the themes of sport and disability / health and citizenship.
The volunteer’s tasks are the following:
- The main mission will be to set up theoretical and practical awareness-building activities for college students around the themes of sport and disability / health and citizenship.
- In addition to his/her main missions, the volunteer will promote international mobility and his/her personal experience (possibly in partnership with the other European volunteer) among college students, youth in civic service in post at the department or in any other event targeting youth during his volunteering.
- In connection with his/her tutor the volunteer will reflect on the content and creation of these awareness raising sessions and will be free to propose/create the relevant tools (videos, games, exhibitions, brochures, debates …) or build on existing tools.
- He/she will set up and animate the sessions. For the theoretical sessions the objective will be to define and to introduce the chosen topic using any appropriate educational methods of his choice.
- For the practical sessions: establishment of entertaining workshops allowing valid persons to experience a disability by practicing sports activities (cecifoot, armchair tennis, running with blindness masks…)
- The volunteer can rely on the associative network to develop these animations. The different fields of disability will be addressed; the departmental committee of adapted sports will participate to tackle the mental disability, the « comité départemental de sports adaptés » will bring its know-how in matter of physical, motor or sensory disabilities.
- The volunteer will be able to attend various trainings in the disciplines of his/her choice, he/she will also be allowed to follow trainings around sport practice and autism.
- In addition to his tutor, he/she will be accompanied by a volunteer in civic service and Florian Merrien, Paralympic champion of table tennis and disability ambassador.
- Finally, the events organized by the Directorate will be a space of expression for the volunteer who will be able to develop his own workshops (journees s’handifference, raid des collèges.. )
- He/she will also have to present his/her birth country and the way in which young people live or propose other activities around their cultures, experiences.
- He/she will also have to propose and develop a personal project during the mission with the support of his/her tutor and each resource person. Contacts and any other practical support will be made available for this achievement.
- Volunteers will be associated to all events organized by the service.
These tasks are non-exhaustive, the volunteer can be force of proposals to initiate and implement other projects related to his missions.
We truly believe that for volunteers the European Solidarity Corps is an opportunity to learn, to improve themselves and to discover and develop their personality and competences. For this reason we encourage our volunteers to develop a personal project besides the daily work. With the support of their Mentor the volunteers will develop a concrete personal plan with the objective of creating a personal project based on their own interests and goals.
Accommodation and food:
Volunteers are going to share a fully equipped big flat with other young people (probably the other ESC and a service civique from Burkina). The apartment will be located in Saint Etienne du Rouvray (near from Rouen – 10 minutes by bus or tram) or in Rouen. Rouen is at 1h from the sea (Deauville, Trouville). Paris is at 1h30 by train. The office is located 21 rue de crosne in Rouen, next to “place du vieux marché” in the right center of the city. There are many museum, cinemas, places of concerts and cultural activities. The volunteer can also find many places to practice sport, theater or dance.
In the flat each volunteer will have his/her own room and will have to share the kitchen, bathroom and living-room. The volunteers are responsible for the daily cleaning of their own spaces as well as the common spaces. Food allowance and pocket money (6€ per day) will be provided.
If needed in addition of the French lessons on line the organisation will provide French lessons on the campus or with an association.
The organisation will pay the studio and open a bank account on which the volunteer will get his/her indemnitees.
The Erasmus + Programme will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants (up to 275 euros).
All the interested people should fill send the CV and Motivation Letter in English to
Application deadline: 20th April 2020
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