nyh noortevahetus youth exchange spain hispaania migartNoored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for participants for Youth Exchange called “The migrART” which will take place from 15th until 21st September 2020 in Miranda de Ebro, Spain.

The migrART is a youth exchange that will bring people from different countries together to reflect on the difficulties migrants face when they arrive in a new country. These topics will be addressed through artistic and creative resources.

Art is a universal language, which can be understood by everyone regardless of their socio-cultural level; Therefore, it has been chosen as a transport for the message of social inclusion. This project responds to the need to create a more open society to the inclusion of migrants.

The young people who will attend the project have social concerns: they are interested in the issue of migration and motivated to learn to deal with it through artistic resources. Participants will gain more knowledge about the topic to be treated (migration) as well as art as a method of social communication.

The project aims to get young people more willing to participate actively in their local communities, with an open mind when it comes to “pre-judging” other people regardless of their origin and with greater confidence in their artistic and communicative abilities.

This event will bring together 25 participants from Denmark, Macedonia, Estonia, Italy and Spain. The event will be held in English. There are 5 vacancies available and participants should be from 18 until 30 years old.

The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 100% of the travel costs for the participants – up to 360 euros. There will be a participation fee of 40 Eur. per participant.

All the interested people should fill the application form below.

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