Name of the project: C.O.A.C.H
Date: 11th until 18th November 2019
City/Country: Olomouc, Czech
What was the main topic of the event?
Triine Viisma: Coaching
Jameela Prits: Coaching youth
Dan Prits: Coaching – the aim is to train coaches who could coach youth and in the end of the project train new coaches to continue the circle.
Carmen Sophia Cadenas Sanchez: Advanced coaching competences for youth work
What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Triine Viisma: Self-confidence that I gained from the practical exercises
Jameela Prits: Discovering myself
Dan Prits: Different methods (wheel of life etc.) and just the in-depth aspect of communication skills we learned, also different self-assessment tools we learned and used during the project. Also the practical side of the project, we actually got to put it all into practice.
Carmen Sophia Cadenas Sanchez: Learning the difference between coaching and counselling or mentoring, understanding how I must suspend my judgement and refrain from giving advice and learning how to ask the right questions to guide the client towards goal setting on their own.
Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Triine Viisma: Yes, I would love to become a coach.
Jameela Prits: Yes, to be a coach in the future
Dan Prits: Yes, being a coach.
Carmen Sophia Cadenas Sanchez: Yes, this is a long term project and it´s still ongoing, so we have at least 9 months of field work ahead. Other than that, the coaching skills are useful in my daily work as a team leader for a team of young people, for whom I do goal setting, performance evaluation coaching mentoring throughout the year. As part of the program I am volunteering, and I would like to continue that in the long term as well.
Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Triine Viisma: Definitely if one is interested. It gives a lot of knowledge and practice at the same time.
Jameela Prits: Yes, because it was very useful in every way
Dan Prits: Yes, 100% – one of the best projects I have been part of – extremely well thought-through, but still flexible sessions, flawless logistics and organizational value. Good selections of candidates as most people seemed sincerely interested, plus the trainers kept up the energy and engagement.
Carmen Sophia Cadenas Sanchez: Yes, definitely. Because I consider it very valuable to have the opportunity to learn about a relevant topic directly from international experts and together in a culturally diverse group, using English language (which is not the native language for any of the participants), while travelling to other countries and discovering local culture. Not only do we learn the content of the program, we also improve other soft skills and language skills.
More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!
Triine Viisma: One of the most inspiring projects.
Dan Prits: Great project, very positively surprised, broke the stereotypes of youth exchanges in a big way.
Carmen Sophia Cadenas Sanchez: The fact this is a long term project means we can develop a bigger sense of community with our national delegation and the whole group and trainers, I really appreciate this.
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme