nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh romania romaania voiceName of the project: Your Voice Matters Youth Exchange

Date: 23rd October  until 1st November 2019

City/Country: Milcoveni, Romania




What was the main topic of the event?

Tarvi Kivipõld – Active citizenship and human rights

Alo Kaasik – Human rights, politics etc.

Marion Demus – Human rights

Reiko Keir – Active citizenship and human rights

Kätlin Tiidu – Active citizenship

Johanna Perko – Active citizenship

nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh romania romaania voice


What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?

Tarvi Kivipõld – I learned that it doesn’t matter where we are coming from, we all are same and we all should have equal rights.

Alo Kaasik – Learning from different people – about their worldview and past experiences.

Marion Demus – That people actually listen to what I have to say and they accept it.

Reiko Keir – Learning about new cultures.

Kätlin Tiidu – That i should take people the way they are as a person not for other aspects, such as looks or personality etc.

Johanna Perko – For me the biggest learning point was that I got to know more about the problems that affect different social groups. There were just so much problems I wasn’t aware before.


nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh romania romaania voice

Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?

Tarvi Kivipõld – I’m going to share my story and experiences with others and maybe one day, who knows, going to another youth exchange.

Alo Kaasik – My studies are closely related to the subject, so yes. I’m planning to be something similar to a sociologist.

Marion Demus – I study sociology, other than that I don’t think so right now.

Reiko Keir – I hope so. To attend in other projects.

Kätlin Tiidu – Yes. I can now share my knowledge with others.

Johanna Perko – Yes, I have made plans to go voting and participate in different volunteering events.


Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?

Tarvi Kivipõld – Definitely yes, because for me it was so eye-opening experience in so many different ways.

Alo Kaasik – I would, it was intresting and fun.

Marion Demus – Yes! It was a week full of learning how to know your rights and be an active citizen, we also had so much fun on free time.

Reiko Keir – Yes. Good way to see the world and learn about other cultures.

Kätlin Tiidu – Definitely. It will teach so many different life-needed topics and your view of life can evolve so much.

Johanna Perko – Yes, I would recommend this to others, because it gives a really good opportunity to practice more English, see new places and gather new experiences.


nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh romania romaania voice

More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!

Alo Kaasik – Tore üritus oli kokkuvõttes. 🙂

Kätlin Tiidu – I am so happy that i did the project, i feel like i am a better person now and also i made sooo many lifelong friends.





This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
