koolitus training course nyh italy estonia eesti erasmus mindfulnessName of the project: Transformations: Potentials to Reality Training Course

Date: 31st October 2019 until 8th November 2019

Country/City: Italy, Merine




What was the main topic of the event?

Evelin Tabur: Finding/discovering inner potentials through mindful way

Karmen Kullamaa: Holistic education, mindfulness

Mari Kongi: Mindfulness


What was the biggest learning moment in the event for you?koolitus training course nyh italy estonia eesti erasmus mindfulness

Evelin Tabur: New discoveries about myself, new methods to try out and share.

Karmen Kullamaa: I have been highly interested in that topic for a while and this training course gave me so many new tools and ways to develop in this more and more.

Mari Kongi: Connecting with people on a deeper level.


Do you have any plans to continue actively in the field? If yes, what?

Evelin Tabur: Yes, I definitely and gladly will share my knowledge – at my work, among my friends and yoga group. I can also practice some methods with teenagers.

Karmen Kullamaa: Since I am learning to be an adult educator, I feel that this field could be ,,my thing´´ – my topic to develop myself and maybe one day educate and help also others to grow in that field.

Mari Kongi: Yes, I am learning to become a psychotherapist, so being mindful and coaching people to find their inner resources plays a very big part in my professional life.

 koolitus training course nyh italy estonia eesti erasmus mindfulness

Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?

Evelin Tabur: Yes, it is very eye-opening if You are willing to see and analyse yourself 🙂

Karmen Kullamaa: I would totally recommend – this experience and these kinds of experiences (training courses) can give you really a lot, starting from cool connections with other people from different countries to very decent and useful new knowledges from different topics.

Mari Kongi: Yes, I would for sure, It moved me and increased my awareness in so many levels.


More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!

Mari Kongi: Villa Diana, the venue for the training is like a paradise on earth and the trainers very professional, I am extremely thankful for the experience.


This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
