koolitus training course nyh spain hispaania estonia eesti erasmusName of the project: YOUth Are The Voice Training Course

Date: 6th until 11th September 2019

City / Country: Granada, Spain





What was the main topic of the event?

Maret Martjak – How to create a social media campaign for a historic event that has already happened.

Carol Väljaots – Social media and communication.


What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?koolitus training course nyh spain hispaania estonia eesti erasmus

Maret Martjak – The bigger learning moment for me was to share information that you already know, because someone else might not and it makes them feel less. So share what you know because others will benefit from it and feel good after it.

Carol Väljaots – I think I had several big learning moments during the project but the one that I’m most grateful for is communication. I learned to be more open and how to more understand people with different cultural backgrounds and skills. I definitely have more courage to ask people for advice and opinions.


Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?

koolitus training course nyh spain hispaania estonia eesti erasmusMaret Martjak – I’d like to take part of similar opportunities because you make friends all around Europe, not only the country the event takes place. It gives you safety when travelling; because odds are that your new friend will help you understand the area and give tips when you arrive to your destination.

Carol Väljaots – Yes, I would like to start working as a social media manager but this project also motivated me to work in the organisation.


Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?koolitus training course nyh spain hispaania estonia eesti erasmus

Maret Martjak – I would recommend this to all of my friends who are stuck in their bubble of knowledge but even your own certain wisdom can benefit other people in learning. Plus it’s a safe space for personal development which you can use later for the better at home.

Carol Väljaots – Definitely would! I think this project helped me grow as a person a lot and every person who is willing to try something new like this would be pleasantly surprised.


More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!

Maret Martjak – If you have not found self-confidence or are stuck in an idea what is “normal” and “the only way” of learning, you’ll be surprised how a short course can motivate you to seek information and learn from completely different everyday sources.


Check out their Instastories in: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17879876527422819/


This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
