Name of the project: Free Your Inner Voice Training Course
Date: 11th until 18th September 2019
City / Country: Plurien, France
What was the main topic of the event?
Sigrid Sepp – How to find your inner voice and express it freely using meditation and singing (and dancing a bit in gospel music).
Erki Tarro – Mental wellness and singing
What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Sigrid Sepp – For the first time ever I felt unity with people. While singing together I didn’t feel like an individual, because we we’re all one. They gave me tips about how to be WITH people and sing WITH them and perform for and WITH the audience. And I’ve been seeking for this for years. So I’m very grateful that I got to experience that and now I have the tools to implement that to everywhere.
Erki Tarro – I found out how singing is a very good metaphor for your own personality. If you sing in a shy and quiet way, its much harder to hold a pitch or harmonize with others, but if you let your voice be heard, you will sound like you want to sound. It’s the same way with your personality – if you are not afraid to show yourself and let your personality shine, it will come out in a way that’s most like you. You’re freeing your inner self.
Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Sigrid Sepp – I meditated before the training and I will continue with that definitely. But I had never sung in public let alone sing in a choir. But the feeling being in a choir was so amazing that I’m already searching for a choir in Estonia. And I will find a dance team to dance. Also, continue dancing and singing in the streets more freely. 😀
Erki Tarro – I will continue to find ways to express myself and find myself in a more confident way than I did before. I understood how there’s no one common way for people to connect with themselves and I will continue to explore ways that help me stay true to myself.
Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Sigrid Sepp – I WILL DEFINITELY RECOMMEND IT TO EVERYONE! Who is interested in self-development, going deep into yourself, singing, meditation, taking time off from every day life and want to seek for new guidance of what to do next with your life. Also, who want to do crazy stuff and experience a community life. This training changed my life and that’s why!
Erki Tarro – Absolutely, because it takes you out of your comfort zone and gives you so many new perspectives about what’s going on in your life and how you want your life to be like. Also, in projects like this, you will find so many open and like-minded people, who are all a part of your own personal growth process.
More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!
Sigrid Sepp – The community that was created was filled with love. I have never experienced such love, care and empathy in a group and only in 1 week! I basically felt some deeper connection with all of them when I arrived without even knowing the participants. Something magical, perhaps.. I saw and experienced myself how singing brought people together, united them, made them more open, vulnerable and caring towards themselves and others and how much joy and happiness everyone felt! IT’S AMAZING! MAGNIFICENT! I can definitely use the practices in my own program that I’m creating for bringing more awareness, openness and love to the people who are participating in it. The trainers we’re awesome! The energy they brought was kind, loving, “let’s get you guys out of your comfort zone” and confident. Thanks to that we all wanted to express ourselves also that confidently and freely.
Erki Tarro – The project I attended was very personal in its nature. I think it’s important for everyone to know and understand that especially in topics like mental well-being and self-reflection, the things we take with us are deeply personal as well. It’s important to acknowledge that topics like this can be challenging to discover in a group and just to enjoy your own learning process in a way that’s truly yours 🙂
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme