Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for participants for a Training Course called “Transformations: Potentials to Reality” which will take place from 31st October until 8th November 2019 in Merine, South-Italy.
Topic: project aims at enhancing competences of youth workers so that they support youth for personal and professional growth. The key elements of activities are holistic education, mindfulness, life purpose, valuing potential, nature based methodology, competences for life.
Youth generation nowadays have huge inner potentials but does not have the tools to transform it to reality. Thus our training course “Transformations: Potentials to Reality” aims to provide youth workers with tools to help youngsters in these transformations. The activities of the project aim to boost the competences of youth workers using innovative NFE methods (as holistic education and mindfulness) in order to support youngsters in transforming their potentials into reality to be used for personal, professional and social growth in a meaningful and purposeful way.
- to gain knowledge related to the transferability of informal and non-formal learning into competences using innovative NFE methods as holistic education and mindfulness;
- to develop understanding why a purpose in life is important especially for youth;
- to enhance their skills in guiding the youth to apply their competences in meaningful and purposeful way;
- to increase their motivation in supporting youth to use their competences (professionally and personally);
- to develop a personal follow-up plan to use with the youth they work with.
Provide youth workers with tools in supporting youngsters to transform their inner potentials into real life.
Retreat will take place in a remote village surrounded by nature. Accommodation will be in a modest Villa – Villa Diana. There will be 3-4 people staying in one room with a private bathroom. More info:
There will be 27 youth workers coming from 8 different countries (Italy, Romania, Sweden, Hungary, Turkey, Poland, Greece and Estonia).
There are 3 vacancies for Estonian participants
Profile of the participant:
- Aged 18+
- Residents in Estonia
- People working directly with the youth
- Interested in the topic & mindful non-toxic experience
NOTE: We promote a culture of mindfulness. No alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, drugs or any other intoxicants are allowed during the TC.
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food, activities and will reimburse the travel costs up to 330€ to the participants. There is a participation fee of 60€ (30€ to be sent to Noored Ühiskonna Heaks and 30€ set by the hosting organization to be brought in cash to the project).
All the interested people should fill in the application form:
Application deadline: 19th August 2019
For more information send an email with your questions to