maria polukarova esc russia european solidarity corps eesti estonia hellikName: Maria Polukarova

Age: 26 years old

Country/City: Russia, Moscow





Activity Dates:  February 2019 –  July 2019

Total Months of Volunteering: 6 months

Hosting City in Estonia: Tallinn

Hosting Organisation: Tallinna Lastesõim Hellik

maria polukarova esc russia european solidarity corps eesti estonia hellik

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Main Activities Developed:

I work in the kindergarten with very little babies. They are 1,5-3 years.
We have activities, which we repeat every day. For example:
1. We read books about colors, animals and birds. Children are so small, but they already know a lot of names of animals.
2. We sculpt figures from Plasticine to develop motility.
3. We paint or decorate.
Also per week we go walk to the forest and during the walk children demonstrate their knowledge about:  how cross the road, which color of traffic light means-
When we have different holidays, kids make postcards or other crafts.
Now they learn to cook. When was Mother’s Day, I was cooking a cake and they really helped me.
2 times per week, we have music lessons.
Kids learn Estonian songs and dancing.
I think, I’m like an older sister for them, who never scream on them, just take care about them and learn something new. 

External Links of Blog or Description:


maria polukarova esc russia european solidarity corps eesti estonia hellik

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