nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh italy itaalia estonia eesti natureName of the project: “In Nature We Trust” Youth Exchange

Date: 10th – 18th April 2019

Country/City: Italy, Merine




What was the main topic of the event?

Tristan Tomilin: Practices of mindfulness and connectedness to nature.

Mikael Mahsudjan: Mindfulness

Epp Libe: Nature and mindfulness

Annika Paas: Mindfulness, to address wellbeing issues affecting european youngsters


What was the biggest learning moment in the event for you?

Tristan Tomilin: Realizing the apparent isolation from society and nature. Discovering how powerful the subconscious mind can be and what role it plays for one’s mental well-being.

Mikael Mahsudjan: All of the moments were a learning experience, cannot compare them.nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh italy itaalia estonia eesti nature

Epp Libe: Biggest learning moment was to overcome my insecurities. This project gave me the ways how to be more in present and connected with myself, nature and the other people around me.

Annika Paas: Ma õppisin, kuidas olla rohkem hetkes oma elus, andes nii ka igapäevastele tegevustele mõtestatuse. Õppisin nägema veel rohkem elu sügavamat poolt ja mõistsin, et otsene kontakt inimestega ja loodusega on väga oluline. Kui kasutame oma elus ka telefone, siis hoopis teine asi on seda teha teadvustatult. Õppisin veel enam, kui oluline on avatus inimestega suheldes ja eelarvamustevaba suhtumine.


Do you have any plans to continue actively in the field? If yes, what?

Tristan Tomilin: I will pursue integrating a mindful approach to everyday life along with the new ideas and prospects I obtained throughout the project. Meditation, being present in the now and bearing a calm, peaceful set of mind are one of the many.

Mikael Mahsudjan: Yes, I am going to continue living mindfully, exploring and trying out many of different available techniques etc.

Epp Libe: I will definitely share what I experienced! I can use all kinds of methods and activities, we experienced through this project, in my future projects and workshops as well.

nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh italy itaalia estonia eesti natureAnnika Paas: Tahan mindfulnessi teemat kindlasti edasi jagada, sest kohalolek hetkes inspireeris mind väga. Samuti soovin tulevikus veel noortevahetustel osaleda ja julgustan ka teisi seda tegema.


Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?

Tristan Tomilin: Absolutely! Youth exchange projects offer a great opportunity for young people to broaden their horizons, get new ideas and to see themselves as a part of a greater collective. They provide a chance to travel, meet new people and learn about other cultures. The projects enable young people to take part in further developments and decision making processes both in their own life and the life of their society.

Mikael Mahsudjan: Yes, definitely, it is a great way to learn about oneself, other cultures and the world. You also get a chance to practice a foreign language, act, dance, travel, make new friends and step out of your comfort zone. Try it.

Epp Libe: Definitely, it’s a chance for you to find new friends, contacts for future projects, to practice language, to be yourself, learn, experience and have a lot of fun!

Annika Paas: Jah kindlasti jagan teadmisi ka oma sõpradega. See konkreetne noortevahetus oli väga silmaringi laiendav, samuti tuleb kasuks erinevatest maadest pärit inimestega suhtlemine, kindlasti saab ka julgemaks.


More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!nooretevahetus youth exchange nyh italy itaalia estonia eesti nature

Mikael Mahsudjan: Spread the love.

Epp Libe: Best youth exchange project, where I’ve ever been!



This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme
