yuri garibaldi esc italy european solidarity corps eesti estonia nooName: Yuri Galbiati


Age: 27 years old


Country/City: Italy, Milan area




yuri garibaldi esc italy european solidarity corps eesti estonia noo


Activity Dates: 2019 Feb 1st – July 31st 2019

Total Months of Volunteering: 6 months

Hosting City in Estonia: Nõo, Tartu County


Hosting Organisation: Nõo Noortekeskus (Nõo Youth Centre)


Main Activities Developed:

  • Daily activity as youht worker in the youth centre. The centre is open to the youngsters in the afternoons after school time, and with different schedule during school breaks and vacations.


  • Developing activities with and for the youngsters who come in the youth centre. Part of my job is always considering the youngsters as active members , and not only users, of the youth centre

 yuri garibaldi esc italy european solidarity corps eesti estonia noo

  • Promoting the youth centre on a local level as much as possible, through events organised by the centre itself and/or joining other ones


  • Helping the youngsters in any kind of necessities. The youth centre is a not-formal education opportunity for them to develop and solve personal/social issues and have a good time.



External Links of Blog or Description:

Fb: https://www.facebook.com/N6onoortekas/ 

Ig: https://www.instagram.com/n6onoor/

Site/blog: https://n6onoortekas.wordpress.com/

yuri garibaldi esc italy european solidarity corps eesti estonia noo
