Name of the project: Did you Notice Youthpass? Training Course
Date: 3rd to 7th March 2019
Country/City: Turkey, Gaziantep
What was the main topic of the event?
Julia Proniagina – Relevance of Youthpass in modern society
Cassidy-Angel Kõiv – Recognition of youthwork and youthpass.
Rudolf Kasper Naruski – Recognition of youth work
What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Julia Proniagina – I really understood that it is a huge mistake not to use your youthpasses when applying to work or university.
Cassidy-Angel Kõiv – Since I didn’t know a lot about the youthpass I learned what it is about and how to utilize it in my actual life. I learned something new about all of the participating countries. I learned about youthwork, what I myself could do and the importance of it.
Rudolf Kasper Naruski – Information about another countries youth work and how they are recognizing it.
Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Julia Proniagina – I feel that we have to encourage people to use their youth passes and also provide more information to the employers
Cassidy-Angel Kõiv – I definitely want to participate in projects and training courses more and if possible in the future help create, organize and search for projects.
Rudolf Kasper Naruski – Yes, I’m going to use those learning’s in my own organisation and also I’m going to stay active in youth organisations.
Would you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Julia Proniagina – Yes. At first, in training courses you can meet plenty of people who work with young people in different levers. It is amazing to get know about new ways of non-formal education and youth work in whole.
Cassidy-Angel Kõiv – Absolutely, everyone should have the chance to experience this.
Rudolf Kasper Naruski – YES, Alot of new friends all over europe, lot of knowledge about diffrent cultures and traveling experience. Also trainer and topics was very intresting and i´m very thankful for participating in this project.
More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!
Julia Proniagina – Marco, thanks for this opportunity! We all love u!
Rudolf Kasper Naruski – Sooviks, et oleks palju palju aega, et saaks käia veel rohkematel sellistel projektidel. – I would love to have more time to go more trainings and youth exhanges like this!
This Project was financed by European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme