jaanika orav vabatahtlik teenistus european voluntary service itaalia italy

Name: Jaanika Orav

Age: 24

Region/City: Tartu City




Activity Dates: 09.11.18-09.07.2019

Total Months of Volunteering: 8 months

Hosting Country: Italy, Sicily


Hosting Organisation: Associazione Culturale Strauss – Arcistrauss

jaanika orav vabatahtlik teenistus european voluntary service itaalia italy


Main Activities Developed:


  • Casa Rosetta: doing activities in organisation that works with disabled people. Every day we paint on ceramic objects, some days we do musical activities or cook together.
  • English lessons: I go to different schools to help the teachers do more diverse activities, for example we play games, discuss about different topics etc.
  • English conversation club:  We have different level english speaker in different groups. The people come to Arcistrauss to improve their english with different non-formal methods (simulations, games, movies ect.)
  • Cultural evenings: In each cultural evening we take one country that introduces its culture and country in general. We do presentations, play music, dance ect.



Follow us on Instagram: Arcihouse & Arcistrauss   www.instagram.com/arcihouse/  

jaanika orav vabatahtlik teenistus european voluntary service itaalia italy
