Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (NYH) is promoting a call for participants for a Youth Exchange project called “ROOF – Routes Of Our Future” which will take place from 17th April until 14th May 2019.
This is a cycling project where 20 young people from Estonia, Italy, France and Czech Republic will depart from Milano and after 3 weeks arrive to Prague together with 60 other young people departing from France, Bulgaria and Sweden.
17th April – 8th May cycling youth exchange from Milano to Prague (20 participants).
8th – 14th of May celebrations and dissemination event in Prague, with all the 80 participants together.
The project ROOF aims to disseminate information on the European Union and the European institutions and to encourage citizens to participate in the 2019 European elections.
It intends to promote discussions and structured dialogue activities along the paths of mobility actions (youth exchanges) in order to stimulate active participation in political life, create networks and stimulate involvement in international mobility projects. The project also aims to gather citizens’ opinions on the future of the Union, create new networks and reinforce existing ones, place the theme of sustainable mobility and environmental issues and the protection and protection of heritage at the centre of the political agenda and promote dialogue.
There are 4 vacancies in the project.
Profile of the participant:
- 18-30 years old
- Resident in Estonia
- Love cycling (being able to cycle 50-90 km per day)
- Basic knowledge in English
- Able to participate in the whole project (17th April – 14th May)
The Erasmus + Programme will cover 100% of the accommodation, food and activities and will reimburse 80% of the travel costs to the participants.
See more info in this document:
All the interested people should fill the application form below.
Application deadline: 10th February 2019
For more information send an email with your questions to